Friday, April 8, 2022

Open note to relevant locales:

  There are associated risks with adopting the distributiveness of the freenet or the open world wide web in the organization and arrangement of industries, both primary industries related to sustenance as well as secondary industries associated with common goods.  

- sustainability

- distribution fuel costs

- states of exception

Countering Distributiveness

Sustainability is an issue for undifferentiated continua of business spanning a nation or even a world.  Regional requirements for sustenance and goods are usually not entirely static but are likely fairly stable in composition.  While undesirable to disrupt existing networks of continental trade, it may be worthwhile to consider how regional strengths in provision could be increased by introducing or subsidizing promising local enterprises that booster the diversity and endurance capacity of an area.  These are not just the companies with proven records in provisory capacities, but also entrepreneurial or smaller enterprises.  The risk of decreased sustainability due to distributiveness is not to do with simple size of enterprise, that there is quantitatively more enterprises but that most are very small is no problem.  The issue is to do with not investing appropriately because the horizon for growth is at infinity rather than objective-oriented.  Therefore, the idea of stronger borders is at once involved with building strength from within.  Certainly, having little or no capacity for raw material for textiles, for instance, would be undesirable.  

- entrepreneurship, varying scales of enterprises: investment begins locally, or need be sought elsewhere preferably within the country as the method established in the previous century

- reinvigoration of primary industries to ensure that fundamental materials are at sustenance production level for originary capital to be continuously generated within nation and the corresponding principle maintained in the national economic balance 

Distribution fuel costs may also enter into the calculus of risk.  While perhaps still acceptable today to mass-transport large quantities of goods at a regular basis, increasingly, our awareness of environmental health may conflict with the lowering regard for the use of fossil fuels in the meantime as we transition to cleaner energy.  As an aside, the quality of road infrastructure continues to improve, but as the design and technology upgrades continue to be examined for improvements, alternative more efficient designs besides traditional roads should be considered.  While advancement continues on the front of energy and infrastructure, efficiency should be a factor should the distribution of industries shift with dynamic planning.

- to term and assess the economics of environment, we identify earth cost: while our comprehensive understanding of effects to the planet's health by actions at various scales are still thought of as adolescent, to begin finding qualitative measures that can enter into accounting of interactions with the climate and natural environment and to initiate efforts towards minimizing our personal and industrial footprint is to be prioritized for implementation of research programs - as conversation matures, activities that lead to decisive tracks must follow even if tentatively

Another risk arguing for improving regional and local sustenance and goods capacities is the grounding of capacities geographically to stabilize supply chains that are crucial to the economy and economies at different scales.  While unbecoming to think in Cold War mentalities in anticipation, preparations should always have been made in regards the future that may find unexpected circumstances.  Having basic capacities beyond a finite store of emergency goods means having the means to regularly yield necessary goods including food and energy, as well as various technical expertise, that bolster local moral in having built additional but basic strengths in actuality, as well as ensuring buffering and response to undesirable states of exception.  

- to reaffirm the previous attempts at building reserves of various types, an augmentation to the notion could be the idea of porting from an established reserve (of foods, other sustenance goods including communication and hygiene, for example) to seed a new one - the item at hand: how to communicate the benefits of a standing principle, how to increase the principle by increments and spurts and understand the increase as interest and investment, and how to maintain the principle from plan to sustenance

- the idea of a reserve, as institutionalized by the notion of the national reserve, can be applied in the enactment of capacities belonging to regions.  In general, the traditional thought has been that regional capacity is grounded in such material item as a principle, which is far beyond some hypothetical sum of the monetary wealth of individuals in a regions; while inclusive of house, land, money, etc, it becomes emergent when a collective bank holds a principle that can contain a variety of goods.  

- the notion of to bank can be drawn from the cessation of intent to parcel goods (eg. of high design, of primary material) in specific intent for the future

- planning has to precede and or be contemporaneous with the learning and accumulation process

This is an argument for local works.  In other words, while the romance of our forefathers was to span the nation and embrace the great land, in our times, their vision has been realized.  To strengthen and reinforce existing supply networks, it is important to consider the endurability of each node and cluster.

Diversify Industries to a Place

In diversifying and expanding an economy of industries local to a region, consider that there is variation to the scale that describes each of the selected-for industries, including small nascent ones and large or sophisticated ones.  For example, in an area that specializes in automobile manufacture, there may be a small scale community, hydroponics and related agriculture industry that supplements foods from large scale national supply chains; or in a society specialized for information technology, there may be a moderate number of basic to advanced textile manufacture which is sufficient to be self sustaining but also enough to supply the communities in times of need.  Expansion and diversification is premised to be concurrent or to follow establishing local-regional sustenance.  

- where industries have been established to maintain the general financial balance of a community, excess can be reinvested in that community, either in the same or different area within the same industry, a decision to be made in view of the future; or in a different industry, wherein is the consideration possible for collective discussions and decisions, especially if that industry does not yet exist locally or is in early stage of development

- expansion is possible upon diversification because of additional connections into different areas of the economy and citizenry - relevant and other information become possible with ongoing and even latent trade relations

- transactions of trades may not be fully regular on intervals and can too be intermittent

However, sustenance capacity is not equivalent to the sum of all needs and desirables to a place, which has to do with sustainability of life style, but beyond being what is business of intention of pursuit, constitutes at once for the just in case scenarios.  A positive balance in sustenance capacity equals the capacity for trade relations to be forged with other regions.  Any measure of preference of regional and national trade becomes a factor for border conditions where economy internal to the nation is prioritized.  A negative balance implies a deficit and, if drastic, calls for reconsideration for new investments.

Industries of primary goods

While top down planning often appears hierarchical and is thought to find source in a central authority, the essential nature of top down planning is that it is directional and collective thinking.  Usually, the establishment of ongoing events and transactions from intentionality in healthy communities naturally lead to the call and execution of top down planning.  Where thinking is of something as grand as a nation, suffice to note that it is consisting of many many communities, and top down planning is undertaken specially in each case in conjunction with the will of each community.  In the consideration for industries, their distribution, and in communities particular investments, it is important to note those industries of utmost importance.

- foods

- textiles

- energy

Certain industries are of fundamental importance, such as food and textiles.  In such cases, in a region, there should be a positive balance or at least sufficient capacity.  Over-dependence on international supply chains rather than native suppliers and dynamic networks adjustable to needs and requirements may result in exaggerated amounts of imports which leads to undesirable excess as well as decline in capital held generally due to costs of fuel and transportation, and therefore further, costs to the environment.   

Energy is another industry of fundamental significance and there exists requirements today for local supply at least regionally in a geographical context.  Everywhere we inhabit there are requirements for energy.  There is no doubt that with the cost of oil to pocketbook as well as environment, corporations have begun to take the lead in developing paths to non fossil fuel energy source and distribution.  In this case, the open network is a good model in its distributedness in the location of sources of energy to be across the board because then there are implicit failsafes for unanticipated disruptions: advances are possible for the capacity to transmit local excess energy or held energy to areas with temporary shortages or sudden temporary requirements.

Related to energy is the approach towards non-interventionist practices as associated to the planet earth's climate and nature.

- where objectives, plan(s), and policies are top-down determinative propositions for global climate initiatives, the entirety of the green economy being built of industries, of enterprises and practices, are "bottom-up" or the constitutive parts of our response to the call for protection in non-intervention of earth's climate

- after public awareness has been achieved, funds resulting from taxes related to climate should be redirected to a reserve fund or directly reinvested into the research and development in the industry of climate neutral and earth protective practices and technologies

Traditional fields of significance

The idea of developing geography-centric capacities is sourced in the longstanding notion of local works.  While world may increasingly move towards efficiency through the effective mechanism of profits to entities, not only is capitalism not intended to gear towards a mere competitive economical landscape and that competition was meant to emerge as a surface phenomenon, there is resistance in natural human motion in finding the interesting and good.  This is not just a selective process but is related with the creation of meaningful paths and trajectories through human communication and gathering.

- the arts

- knowledge pursuit

- happiness and quality of life 

One field of local works and works beyond a locale which should be considered a "non-industry" but is equally if not more important is that of the Arts.  Without the intent, cultivation, and realization of this field of works, the creative impulse, drive, and power is undermined and the generative capacity of a locale is then correspondingly diminished.  The generative power, drawn from the creative potential, not only is adaptive to changing circumstances, it has the transformative power of affecting what surrounds it in the social and cultural environment as well as that of material and virtual.  The generative power is also that which cares and extending care when it is in its capacity to do so rearranges subtly the environment for the health and happiness to those around.  The works in the arts is the grounding dimension for all of its social and cultural works.  Where the originating force is allowed to blossom and grow, and realize itself in the young and other demographics throughout life, the particular works including such as painting and song, is the moment of celebration that demonstrates the legitimacy of this more subtle appearance of the creative potential.  Imagination, Einstein said, was more important than intelligence.  True or not, the possible for the creative is a mark for a community's health if let rise naturally.  That is, if a community holds open the possibility for their creative "non-industry" or field to grow, especially in the young, awareness for and ability to adapt to changing landscapes and rise above them is of a greater likelihood.

Another field, this time, of "work" that benefits a locale which could be considered a "non-industry" is that of knowledge, or more specifically, the search for knowledge.  This is a rather difficult notion but is grounded in the desire to improve oneself, and especially in early stages, the development and growth of the mind.  There are many sorts of knowledge, but this is one that has preoccupied our civilization for some time.  Opting for specific interests as well as opening up to discover many things are both important to educating oneself and those around.  Life-long learning will become more and more important in the coming information society.

An aspect that must be mentioned before entering another subject concerning industry is that of happiness and quality of life.  The state of having meaning and wellness has become known to not solely rely on material goods in the sense of consumer goods.  Some find that spirituality is an ultimate good towards which they work.  Others find a multitude of goods in the world which compose a mosaic of material goods in the sense of goods in the material world.  Yet others find that there is good in ideals and principles.  Many schools of thought and activities now existent in the country for this are and will continue to be of new worlds.  There are other worlds on this earth that have many forms of happiness.  Happiness and meaning are very significant factors to the quality of life though notions of abrupt changes for each ourselves as they occur to our minds or lives should be noted and treated with a measure of caution.

- the value of happiness: proposing a Happiness Index

Industry of yet understood potential

The notion especially in the valuation of goods need be reassessed for social processes have changed not only in production of primary goods (such as in the adoption of machines to increase production) but in the particular steps through which intermediary and final goods are produced, and relatedly in the distributive arrangements  associated with production steps.  The changes resulted in the loss of the absolute value of relevant goods, decreasing their actual value in the evaluation by public consciousness.

The foundation of the query concerns the valuation of the New.  Not merely novel as in such an instance had not yet appeared previously, but the production of what has universal value in an exemplary status.  The new often is built upon complex heritage focused onto present industry with strong internal logic.  Digital and mechanical technology, information, and arts are fields where the new often makes appearance.  Material products sometimes through many iterations also achieve the status of being new.

Of arts discussion was already raised.  It must be continued and new faculties cultivated for the newest of arts must be protected for the creative impulse and the creative drive propels everything else.  

More pertinently to the present is the question concerning information.  There is yet an identifiable industry of information although intelligence was its predecessor.  The various spheres one encounters of data and the open web consist of large amount of data which can be reordered and reinterpreted for relevance.  By relevance and creativity and knowledge, data is transformed into information which becomes an operative asset.  Suffice to note that information is intrinsically new when created this way.  How such occurs is an open question to be addressed if information were to become a formal field of industry.

The processes, steps, and materials as well as continuous heritage to produce items of high technology are such that the valuation of their absolute value, even if market prices were adjusted for the purpose of universalizing technology utility, requires the keeping of books.  They are of uncommon status in the focus, concentration, curation, and complex knowledge relevant.  The absolute value needs be known for regulators to review exportability, for the public's appreciation of value, for present and future development of conservability in means for components and material to be recycled and for engagements to build or improve upon the made.

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