Wednesday, January 12, 2022

 To accumulate intelligence in social memory - In the act of erecting architecture - Allowing intelligence in economy and trade to accrue while using existing architecture - and Novel architecture

Whereupon we take to task to ask ti esti after what vision given - we construct in the contribution of meaning the reality of the vision.

The meanings do not consist strictly of rational thought or purely in imaginative dream, but in the words we speak and write, the actions we take, the things we make, they are in all we put forth into which world we share.  

In time, to accumulate intelligence in social memory, whether historiographed, whether in one or many narratives - 

intelligence accumulates in the order of each our own activities, in how we mind them and how we make them,

intelligence accumulates in the trust we should stay the same in how we are, in how we treat each other, in how we transact with each other,  in how we grow as individuals and in relations, independently and yet there awaiting, and

intelligence accumulates in each our histories and how together self-assembles into social memory.

Through activities that grow in complexity and gain in information depth, generally called trade because the sum consistently changes such that discoveries and gains occur as a function of time and human acts, intelligence giving rise to communities and economies accrue.  The constraints provided by existent non-specific architecture provide the limitations that can spontaneously compel advances. 

As communities develop, intelligence is allowed to grow as economy and trade develop: this is not only possible but likely while using existing architecture, as history itself becomes part of the principle.

Where social memory accrues and crystallizes into the substance and structure of built architecture, the novel architecture is now a culmination. 


In the act of erecting architecture - 

In the act of enacting architectural space -

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