Concerning the matter of information society as termed - complicated a concept and complex the processes that give rise to such as a society upon information. Finer details require theoretical exposition not willing to be attempted on this platform at this very moment, but a few notes should suffice to see the relevance of information in day to day decision making as relevant to the generative role society has towards such as the notion of information society as called. The economy, in this instance, shall be our grounding moment for these notes.
The significance of information is that it is different and so distinguished from data. Information has an active aspect, in that it's transforming or being transformed into information, and it may be transformative upon individuals' thinking, modes of action, or the outlook and actions of associations. Data, by contrast, is what is given, inert and untransformed, it stands as some given bits and pieces, of which no sense could be made until such time as a spirited individual or enterprise act on it. This is different too from the term knowledge, but that is a matter concerning the applicable facts that become assimilated into one's understanding and mode of comprehension of the world or specifics in the world generally.
What meaning is relevant here concerning information in society, specifically, economics and the growth of economies? Over recent history, say the last century and a half, much activity previous and concurrent then generated many associations and labels which remain in use today. Today, they are considered common and shared, and notably, given; even though they may be subject to change and transformation, generally, they are established and few changes are expected. Nevertheless, the fact of their existence should be questioned to some extent because how they are in solid form does not presuppose the fact that all aspects of their way of existence could be appropriate in a changing world.
The specific dimension of information I wish to address here is the wealth of activity and thoughts that precede the generation of a label or association. In that previously in the "modern" age initializing, there were not much in the forms solidified into labels and organizations. So, by this way, they were generated in the making and thus seem to arrive quite naturally without a blank slate lying before. As is the case with any drawing on a blank canvas, the possibilities were infinite, virtually. Anything seems to be up for grabs and there were no obstacles to overcome beside those that arrive serendipitously. In the process, the best ideas won out, for there were not a complex canvas, or already painted, there.
In a social organizing, there is the idea of "bottom-up" or "top-down". What is relevant to our thinking here is that really, activities including interactions, communication, accounts, exchanges, trade, etc, are the bases that constitute any associations, which were in fact "in-constituting". What has changed, in a nut shell, from a century ago, other than the obvious fact that we have already generated in the grounds a complexity of enterprises, boards, policies, and organizations?
The technology. There is nowadays a myriad of technological instances, technology focused enterprises, and also a technological surround. By if our view were to shift forward into the future, and we glance back, we would realize that most of what we think of extraordinary advances would be nascent advances that will appear lovely. This is the way we see the clock today. That too generated an array of disorder towards order, and all took time.
The emphasis I wish to draw here is that in each case of an economic problem, we must destabilize our notion of what is already there. The plan is what was laid out before, and is not in some state of existence. But we must question, to what ends, to what goals, to what objectives. Such premises our search for economic stability and growth.
The virtual encompasses much. As does the term information. I continue to advocate that we recover the in person thinking of each of us and each of our community as situating a ground of economic opportunities. Such is a consideration of our relations in not only trade and exchange, which needs not be entirely like a clockwork train schedule for example for we can adapt to a different sort of living too, but also in friendship. Where one town forms a trade relation with another township, because many individuals find from both townships actual benefits from trading with one another, this is another example, we should see that economic ties internal to the region benefit and strengthen. To say this could occur at scale is to say that if this were to happen in different parts of the country, in multiple times, then ultimately, there are stronger internal friendships inside the country that have solidified in trades. At a smaller scale, friendships with externalization, for instance, the sharing of music between friends whether by cd's or mp3s, would have for itself a demonstration of friendship. Same, for that matter, of trading baking goods for a knitted quilt.
Essentially, we over-complexify things at times. For good reasons, in many cases. The generation of virtual economy for example I see one way would be to have market that advertises future improvements of products. A fairly difficult problem. Nevertheless, it goes to show that many many many possibilities are still possible. Not always do we have to move big pieces or complexify things to reach probable solutions good for many parties.
A few thoughts of "information" - to inform, to act upon, to receive, to change and transform. The depth is the level of activity by citizenry that supports the economy and is the sine quoi non acting as foundation for the happiness that qualifies the economy ultimately. In economic sense, the external activities indicating external relations seemingly trivial to many managing larger pieces are in fact crucial for many reasons including that democratic decision making becomes possible when a citizenry is informed as well as that the movement of citizens ultimately affect the apparent inertia of an economy. So, to take a larger leap, one sees that without momentum by citizenry, the so called virtual economy is unlikely to have the same or expected propulsive potential for take-off, though this point has not been sufficiently argued here.
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