Thursday, July 29, 2021



Circumstances differ elsewhere for the development of infrastructure, whether planned decades in advance or determined by external parties

Bureaus always began as grassroot efforts as in bottom up.  Individual projects, of great interest and relevance coupled with the right personnel or “agents”, are how they began  could it be a few pilot projects? called “emergent offices”.  Governmental or commercial?

Coordinating nexii formerly known as the square bureau: "A.Desk"

- casting of funding for private R&D

- record office

- patent office 2.0 =  ________________

Public services - the human and technological services that uphold our common way of life here.  At scale then becomes infrastructural services, as is the case of the digital networking services.  Despite being held in many parts by private interests with some parts held by establishments, that the network structure is a foundation to how we conduct our day to day life and work is [...]


- idea points for review selection and implementation

- return A way for adapted local or regional bulletin boards, privately connected for the purpose of _______ ; how secure (?) who admins (?)

- connect to managed publicity and public/crowd-funding (??)

   the goal to recognize and support and eventually fund creative analysies and creations and inventions from the onset of inspiration.

. references:

Interstate Commerce Act 1987.  linklink

Patent Act of 1790  link

Thursday, July 22, 2021


A diagram showing transmission of information from an equatorial location on the moon to a satellite with the sun in the background

HALO link  gateway
Artemis NASA lunar exploration program overview link

Saturday, July 10, 2021

at scale - "Planning" in real time

  (the capital could stand in reserve as held by the federal government)

in the case of a dynamic and organized effort at scale

for infrastructure upgrades 

in America

it's apparent that digital systems and administrative personnel could augment existing levels of government

-to collect proposals for consideration ie. where seed monies are to be placed... where federal funds are warranted

-for community dialog towards decisions - ie. municipal, city, state, regional 

-to support organization of fund raising where federal funds are not warranted

-mediation where appropriate to businesses providing services

also, for the imagination of how infrastructure may be upgraded in a future looking orientation:

-fundamentals on what comprises infrastructure

-outline of expectations in what qualify for federal funding and what needs to be arranged for locally

-expanse of timetable to reach ultimate goal of upgrade at scale

>>>catalog of novel and or recommended infrastructure components

-identification of localities experiencing highest demand

> towards prototypal programs

consideration should be further given to things that support not only economies and life quality but also the environment 

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...