Thursday, October 3, 2024

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein air painting session. A message contained, to counter the adversities by what yet understood brought, the upholding of order even by measures so natural as in by some past perfected as a dream easily wrought, so today amidst what one magazine headlined as “age of uncertainty”, we do must towards order even where smaller actions, for the most important not to fall is that problematic in one instance or two addressed below, but countering patterns bad or worse, like disregard like passivity, recall well for tomorrow from what understood easily in the past even half a decade ago or a decade more - sometimes intuition post care and deliberation does find more of our own to our own upholding and support and promotion. Here the personal excerpt, to be filed with ToSend folder so as for tacit explanation of what asked, how come, ‘delay’ (typical, short phrase from intercepted message):

DAY TOday, Third of October Twenty twenty four… Morning, local circle of mine own since before the completion and submission as bid for design-build by Company and company s, where despite siting incomplete design per offering as deemed by borders generic if established - so insofar as Choice and circumstances shocking related to aging countering the “wrap” status of work for Senior Architects - previous forty-eight hours and recent months and further in retrospect, in some turbulence and to bit doubt… we of less in number here locally compared to the number of this circle mine own, nevertheless did achieve the order such as submitted to Judge local. He who heard and received transcript at hour and minute of sudden waking over our internal conference call, agreed to support via legal presentation of my records, of official and actual presence per responsibility and duty to this country of Canada and perhaps elsewhere I have lived; so my temporary state of health then agreed to better for minutes less than an hour, by a measure of care carefully offered by a Doctor also present to the call. 

The item regarding that greater and more profound to appear in presence to a society not with full preparation to respond with intricate actuality by those who reside, that complexity given by what different, what sudden, what let unattended, et cetera. One Senior Architect expressed concern later fifteen minutes ago, of human nature, of casual speech, of what undeniably of error when even the most advanced demanded to understand less and be ignorant like what did not yet become aspiring to greater spirituality, or by what had not known what here.  Yet above inventoried or catalogued, referred to or applicable, to return upon a yet known, if this be of importance, just as a doctor must spare intravening to avoid the drastic errors of moving away from a case within held a few only notes already to understanding, this withholding from effect does respect the same; what similar between the human being below of the Design and this with that extended, so as by convention and normatives most in this our worlds informally under working title of “West” to stay whatevers from the perfection of design in a architecture, but when in the human body even more perfect by Design for from above Endowed, so too those whose works have proven the subscription to the meaning of creation so by all their life dedicated to rending wonder and Good, and to this such being as those with greater knowledge and more experience in this field (s) as Architecture (and as Medicine), who escaped fame and glory still as granted with a mind and a body of their own, having extended more for happiness and health of others, so Now Here care of themselves and decisive agency be upheld, regarded and respected then, I hope. Still, gratitude and wish for continuance to all those who have maintained and now to keep their care too, I hope, still. 

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Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...