Thursday, October 21, 2021



From community gardens -

Despite decades of laying down concrete cladded grounds upon which to situate the many buildings to house and perform for all the people moving into a locale, there remains much potential for the reclamation of opportunity by natural life. Many studies indicate that greenery enriches human well-being and improve health. Nature rises in spite of all obstacles. In the niches escaping notice, moss and small flowers grow seemingly without any special attention or obvious sources of water or nutrients. In abandoned corners, a plethora of unidentifiable plants grow at their own leisure and will. These are the forgotten secret gardens that rise in every town and city. Sometimes minute, sometimes unseen, they are the proof of nature’s resilience. That we too as humans draw from nature our force of life, these are as the wellsprings in urban jungles and small towns alike. If we do not even notice their existence and beauty, we should never have the courage to care for them and cultivate them to be our sources of joy. 

Thursday, October 14, 2021

 And if the energy resources 

- long established - it had been a long road that realized the technological capacities to bring our own resources to market

*promise in commercial leadership in companies to develop and innovate all possible avenues towards cleaner energy

 Inertia in practicalities to shift gears onto a coordinated way - supported and funded move onto clean energy, new vehicles, and infrastructure

- understandable safeguarding of irreplaceable resources

Re record of ongoing of Interest-vested management on traditional energy resources At Hand

and current questions to address by public choice

<the problem of large scale shift>

*call for design solutions - eg. at-scale EV charging arrays


- precedent of energy corporations re-investing monies from older forms of energy into R&D for new forms of energy: the difficulty for commercial enterprises to take sole leadership over stewardship of the natural when demand remains constant and when profits remain a driver intrinsically

- opportunities for localities with older energy resources to examine and consult 

- opportunities for allocation of such monies: traditional advancement, energy leadership, as well as capital (which is not the least) towards the future

- for the prevalent problem of talent having adequate education: duration-thinking - investment into improvement of education begins with the contracting or hiring of instruction

Monday, October 4, 2021

new demands: call for_

 A new field in American History?

the operative history that made America the country it is today - 

the entities and the individuals, their actions, the difficulties and obstacles, the how to overcome; the failures and successes.

The extents of such history reach all the way back to the beginning - the circumstances of departing the Old World, the movement, the beginning of the New World, the earliest presidents.  The reason for learning the history must have itself been forgotten if young folks can see little meaning in the history lessons taught in school houses.

where there has been a sort of forgetting for how the New World was made - this, specifically, I am thinking about... How were Bureaus and Agencies built?  

*related on how (?)

- "Castle Garden... and runners from the boarding houses and intelligence offices that abound in the neighborhood near the Battery."

- runners: likely application between places of some common grounds or equivalence in problem solving towards a solution - runners generate as well as carry intelligence or information between places

There is a present need to forward the positive and evolutionary transformations in our society.  The discoveries and engagements that alight our realities, hidden amidst distractions created in the yesterdays.

There may now be many detours to encompass contributions from the enlarged demographics that participates in new and different ways to return earlier constitutions which had found great utility in the past.  To initiate new corresponding bodies and reinstall old forms, we must take care to inform their potential to be dynamic and capable to respond to changing times.  This is learning from the past.

Yet when?  And how?

Where before a bureau may begin with one case and one person, now the social circumstances of increasing state of democracy may require new ways for consensus and the collective vote.  

The identification of such and such organizing is but one act in the decision to elect the directive and participatory action that guarantees continuing support and works sustaining the apropos.  

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...