To argue again for the streamlining of photovoltaic cells
…solar energy
The Alpine lodges. They are so beautiful, and of such a fine craft. The finest wood constructions yet so infused with the modesty that is strength. Finely constructed, they withstand hail and windstorm, the erosion of the earthly elements, the pouring storm, the thunderous lightnings. Where should you be, that was the question that built the lodges. Nobody really thought about it again, the earlier question. Nobody knew for sure a lodge was here when they thought only of the step ahead and the grand nature.
The step ahead. It happened when they came back. It was the moment they looked at a child’s eyes, wide with wonder, that occurred it did a lodge should be built. To gaze upon the green valley, to look across the abyss, to stare wide eye into the ever present depths of twilit night.
They left half a cookie and two third bottle of water. A tea bag or two, and some cookies. That was how it began.
re: academia
On whether we know anything about the universe
They say: see the universe in a grain of sand.
in the pursuit of knowledge, knowledge workers specialize in what they know. What they can put out into each defined domain of knowledge are very particular works. Each work comprises of higher specialized knowledge that is objectively verifiable as belonging to each domain of knowledge. There is hope for each knowledge worker that, if they can know something very well for themselves, they could each know a little more than what they can show. This comprises of knowledge that is more than what has been understood in the domain of knowledge and regards the situation in which we all live. In studying something specific, we are studying a kind of microcosm.
As we have lived on this earth for all of humanity's history, what we know here is almost entirely about ourselves and this earth, existing in a universe that is probably infinite, or at least virtually infinite. If all we know about is this earth, this microcosm, we can hope we know more than we think we know. Indeed, where we know what we know, we will know a bit more that will lead us to the possibilities of disclosure.
*our professors' classes are a source of inspiration to those who hear: work is a point of culmination from their personal lives and memories
Tightened my belt... “conservation”
“Belt-line” means transportation system where [...]
* “transportation system partially or wholly surrounding a port, a city, a terminal, or district”
In response to Supply Chain Task Force
mobilizing health care including traditional health care so for the preparation of an Emergency Kit:
- (appliances) collect overstock to be discarded or shipped overseas and store all items in a General Company holding: inventory
- (cars) alternative to new car: vote to upgrade infrastructure by using public transit or share rides - lack of new car a possible conversation starter.. not possible everywhere for everybody but we’ll worth the adventure
- (food) use small amounts of excess capital too purchase and store monoeriwhable items such as canned goods or dried meats where items could be returned at slight loss to grocery companies at a later date: store and inventory, general foods company
- (foods) consider automation for packaging of foods in view that education establishments and job opportunities sufficient in the future for new occupations if within budget and product warrantied and guaranteed
- pharmaceuticals: commence immediately the advocation of traditional care networks and good women networks where information can be distributed quickly across the continent using prevalent technologies: activate, distribute at key persons: intel = info; masks are not enough: advocate and inform self-care
-Task force begins with data
- what is active data? It is data being transformed into information then application. Thus, as commendable census data is, for its use to be a source of reference in an encyclopedic way, it has great potential to be find implementation in real time - ie. census data of Detroit, for instance, could inform and advice the proposals for infrastructural upgrades, even in cases of distributed needs as water fountains in schools or solar panel rooftops because they could generate collective will and effort as well as bargaining power.
re: _________-sourcing
- occurring after the prototypical endeavor, something novel is created in the abstraction to form the original problematic, now an extra-original basis for the new call
- maintaining the call in the problematic [for the right opportunity for another endeavor] requires sustained arrangements such as sustained intelligent institutes
- remove previous idiosyncratic logistical excess from the presumption of being necessary for reiteration - some sequence of development different from the earlier one will have emerged in retrospect throughout the drive towards the evolution of a new application
- for a new iteration, the prototype is in retrospect an amalgamation available for reverse engineering
- whatever abstracting arrived at the conception of the precedent is distinct from an abstraction that prepares towards the objective of a new iteration
- a condition for the success of an arrangement that leads to the next iteration is the value of its potential, ie. the maximization of potential
*an arrangement's capacity to maintain the relevant objective by having a high level of adaptability to a wide range of possible circumstances
- > Abstraction of a prototypical endeavour creates something novel - the original problematic made in retrospect it is now an extra original basis for a new call. The problematic calls for a new solution
- > In order to maintain the call for a new solution using the problematic, awaiting the right opp for a new endeavour, requires sustained arrangements such as long term friends and intelligent institutes.
* remove idiosyncratic logistical excesses: they are not necessary for the success of the next iteration made by another party. Some sequence of dev different from the earlier one will have emerged throughout the drive towards the evolution of a new application
-> The prototype is amalgamated: it can be reverse engineered
-> However abstraction arrived at the precedent in its concept is distinct from the abstraction made in preparation towards the objective of a new iteration
-> a condition for an arrangement leading successfully to the next iteration lies in the value of its potential - ie the goal is to find an arrangement with maximumnn by potential
->An arrangement’s capacity to maintain the relevant objective: high adaptivity to wide range of possible future circumstances
the purpose of abstraction in open sourcing
to delineate the problematic - allowing the exploration of the original notion, and enabling the looking towards another assay
reverse engineering of a successful endeavor involves the selection of an endeavor at a moment in the past. For example at the moment of incorporation of a company like GM, or at a moment of strong sustaining power, ie. long and stable high stock price, of such a corporation, questions regarding the historical conditions, the objectives of the time, the social call, the solutions, the successes and failures are points of inquiry. the study of an endeavor at a moment long past ensures that the study does not affect current operations of successful endeavors which are at risk for external interventions (ie. like the observer effect in physics?).
maximize the motive potential for the next assay
towards yet unknown objective in application (?)
Opportunity to return to more traditional care with the doctor you trust through talking, understanding, and memory
To balance in education of doctors the values found today and values in traditional care given by doctors in older days: when technical knowledge and external means might have been less, but when the day to day memory of the patient as a friend and human being did so much too.
To accumulate intelligence in social memory - In the act of erecting architecture - Allowing intelligence in economy and trade to accrue while using existing architecture - and Novel architecture
Whereupon we take to task to ask ti esti after what vision given - we construct in the contribution of meaning the reality of the vision.
The meanings do not consist strictly of rational thought or purely in imaginative dream, but in the words we speak and write, the actions we take, the things we make, they are in all we put forth into which world we share.
In time, to accumulate intelligence in social memory, whether historiographed, whether in one or many narratives -
intelligence accumulates in the order of each our own activities, in how we mind them and how we make them,
intelligence accumulates in the trust we should stay the same in how we are, in how we treat each other, in how we transact with each other, in how we grow as individuals and in relations, independently and yet there awaiting, and
intelligence accumulates in each our histories and how together self-assembles into social memory.
Through activities that grow in complexity and gain in information depth, generally called trade because the sum consistently changes such that discoveries and gains occur as a function of time and human acts, intelligence giving rise to communities and economies accrue. The constraints provided by existent non-specific architecture provide the limitations that can spontaneously compel advances.
As communities develop, intelligence is allowed to grow as economy and trade develop: this is not only possible but likely while using existing architecture, as history itself becomes part of the principle.
Where social memory accrues and crystallizes into the substance and structure of built architecture, the novel architecture is now a culmination.
In the act of erecting architecture -
In view of these rather difficult times and my own experiences sitting and lying around in hospitals and other facilities, still working after each elusive objective that we’re to be the fruits of the day’s labor: there seems to be room for some admission or confession to sigh over what measure could be had, or to cry over what pleasure was sadly lost. A moment, I say. Hold, I say. I look about me, and everywhere I go are people at their jobs, people seeking after what is possible in their futures, folks going to the market for more than needed yet not excess, folks who have discovered new realities in between the metrics of their previous lives. At times I am taken forward by a rush, at others entirely arrested…
Before these few months I had become busy studying a map and pouring over books new and old. I am recalling memories hidden away in unmarked records, scratched clippings, torn photographs, and unassuming symbols to be deciphered.
How did we get here, I wondered. To this present, yes. More importantly, we left behind a stagnation burning into an age that held us back. In that we felt bondage and we would not be free unless we marked a date in a future, a common future, a date when we would take leave together and start afresh somewhere, here. Here is the moment in time, then a future date, now a past date, or is it a date to be renewed, and to date again, to be renewed, to date again, renew, date again, and so forth? Always in our future: if not for knowing it had always already been set in stone, forever permanent in our past, that date when we broke free - how else for sure could we know? Not only are we here, new, free, we can forever date forward, another day when our commitment to be free and to make our own destiny, everyday in the future.
No office of Immigration, no paperwork, could really tell the centuries of stashing secrets away in books, slips in dried food, heirlooms in socks, all these items that bore magic in memories to be passed onto our children, so that in the new land some day so far into the future we could not envision whatsoever, they shall remember us well. Some new land, yet unimagined nor founded, yet discovered already in our heart and even the soul magnanimus - somehow shared in our dreams we saw vast swaths of land where all could come, where grasses grew and wildflowers, where wells could be dug and water drawn, where crops would grow, and a house could be raised. How many centuries in the making, these eons passing by, slipping away each second into a jar of change, to be deposited in some faraway imaginary land whose existence could only become real in the purity of belief. How we had dreamt. Somehow in time we invented the chests that could carry our cargo much heavier than the mass itself for the meanings and magic and memories they carried, they weighed much much more than for their physics alone.
If the journey to the voyage had been long, it was only because there was so much we did not want to discard yet must part with. These were not some cheap possessions easily thrown and forgotten, but part of our souls and way of being. There were some things or many, there were homes and buildings and churches, there were stores, and cobblestones and columns, and those windows we called fenestrations. The passageways and the narrow corridors, the light wells, all the beauty and the truth in matter we had had to leave behind. So few items were brought yet so heavy were the cargo we found solace on the boat over the high seas.
The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...