Sunday, February 27, 2022


 Proposing accompaniment to the initializing of metaverse _

There was an album by this group which I can't find:

Found it on spotify: link

Proposing an early phase of metaverse to include: resemble this from pinterest, after early geocities and tron:

-the delineation of space and sphere, with appropriate nav hardware (eg. modified joystick/track)

-each sphere defined by particular logic eg second life 3D or Blender environment

- to enter each user created space in a sphere, access through a “portal”

- The ability to export a rendering allowing walkthroughs from a CAD or 3D rendering program for compatibility with the platform

* GC2 = geocities v 2.0

The consideration of the CAVE environment for metaverse construction had begun as early as here:

* iconographia: the icons universe, animated and in three dimensions

Sunday, February 13, 2022

 css+ hacked. here's reprinting file in progress

notes on central role 

-on orienting networks of trade

We figure the priorities, national and global.

At large scale, towards 

- the enduring ability of Earth to be the only home we have ever known

- the unifying vision of humanity to advance into Space

- the advancement of well-being and progress of human beings

- towards the dream of non-conflict or peace

- the allowance of positive creativity

(- gradual cultivation of the independent in individualism and the social in relations and civility)


Art in Originality.  

Each small act of creation is seeming and appears to be without cause when in actuality draws from the depths of being within and without, and then to become retained within the natural limits of the medium: canvas, word processor, software, logic, stone, et cetera.






creative art and arts in general   

and generation of technology

The motivation of the creative act originates in originality intrinsic to individuality, premising on independence and freedom, touched by sensibility and rationality, it motivates the inspiration of art to create works of beauty and sense, for cognition and contemplation.  

The dynamicism and fast shifting landscapes of activities in various spheres are at times destabilizing even when their sources are external to domains of an individual or a group of individuals; art offers the moments in between for gathering and togetherness: therein lies the reason for the creative act and the presence of art.

The generation of techniques and technologies for utility is upon cycles of creative development involving one or more individuals, oftentimes involving more than one group of individuals.  The creative activity results in the production of items provisory for activities by other individuals; sometimes such activities are explicitly creative, while other times they are utilized for the fulfillment of work or leisure.  

Where the creative force resides and is active, and where the numbers remain strong, the projection that a community and its works remain confident and committed to works driven from the creative act.  





The representational potential intrinsic to each demographic and community and the extraordinary depth and breadth of values belonging a people define the orientational roles each locale could take, culminating in representation and position at world trade and financial centers distributed across the world.


To transform and or create of what is of a value greater than that of what is given so that the outcome in trade is more than mutually beneficial but positive is to partake in the non-zero engagement of non-zero-sum economy on the positive side as well as strive towards increasing well-being in general.

While transactions in actions and things are made towards equivalency in trade for both quantifiable and qualifiable return for all parties, modes of trade and its actualization towards mutual advancement are not exclusive to financial currency.  Consequently, the withholding and retention of reserves for original advancement to continue and persist for either party of a trade returns self-sustenance so to eventually re-finance further efforts.  

That the status of a positive, zero, or negative value or a numerical value for a reserve cannot qualify 

at concurrence in trade how the denomination would tend towards having centralized or distributed attributes implies that qualitative accounting remains essential to the conduct of trade at any level.

With monetary currency tending towards being a currency of distributed nature, with centralization quoted within geopolitical boundaries, and with a long heritage as foundation, its viability is retained despite being without the capacity to guarantee equivalency in trade nor is it with a sophisticated level of augmentative powers for advancement within a world in balance.

For the case or scenario where destabilization recurs, conversion to earlier forms of currency at a determinable rate remains possible while future forms of currency may arise to become enhanced.

The consequence to that the foundation of trade does not lie in monetary currency is that money is not necessary to trade.

External nodes to which relations are enacted and retained from trade and financing are in balance with nodes internal to the boundaries of a geopolitical zone: strengthening or expansion of reserves internal to the zone is based upon  how trading and financing upon currency beside monetary currency.

The role of financing and microfinancing concerns the worth and value of an investment.  In cases where the address of the investment is outside the normal and known domains of the investor, the investment is made as best as per the interests demonstrated or indicated previously, and also it is made as a proposition in inquiry where the outcome is at best projected even if it will likely consist of a multitude of outcomes.


From consideration for there being the continuing precedence of beginning with a delimited initial sphere of advancement, where there is a view to the differences distinguishing other spheres, the networks could then be extended at the appropriate opportunity when the original objectives and their advancement have become reliable and viable at a state of sophistication.


The endorsement and continuation of memory to account the past actions of significance and support present and future push to advance and maintain.

Revise to return to original meaning:

The representational potential intrinsic to each demographic and community and the extraordinary depth and breadth of values belonging a people define the orientational roles each locale could take, culminating in representation and position at world trade and financial centers distributed across the world.

While transactions in actions and things are made towards equivalency in trade for both quantifiable and qualifiable return for all parties, nevertheless, modes of trade and their actuality in mutual advancement are not exclusive to financial currency.

Consideration of continuing precedence of delimiting the initial sphere of advancement.  To expand its network (with a view to differences in other spheres) when its own objectives and their advancement become reliable in a state of sophistication.

The endorsement and continuation of memory to account the past actions of significance and support present and future push to advance and maintain.


The representational potential intrinsic to each demographic and community and the extraordinary depth and breadth of values belonging a people define the orientational roles each locale could take, culminating in representation and position at world trade and financial centers distributed across the world.


orientation roles 

for each locale 





that culminate in 

occupancy at 

bases for the orientational roles to reach representation for 

world trade and financial centers distributed across the world.

The representational potential intrinsic to each demographic and community and the extraordinary depth and breadth of values belonging a people define the orientational roles each locale could take, culminating in occupancy, representation, and position at one or more world trade and financial centers distributed across the world.



While transactions in actions and things are made towards equivalency in trade in both quantifiable and qualifiable return for all parties, nevertheless, modes of trade and their actuality are not exclusive to financial currency.

-That modes of trade and mutual advancement are not exclusive to what could be acted upon by financial currency has for its consequence any set of transactions may not grant equivalent or symmetrical returns for parties involved: )

-The obstacles towards equivalency in trade being in context of the evaluation of value which is relative to qualitative  developmental stages of societies as well as their capacities to maintain their histories and yet be advancing towards ideals agreed upon for the new world, the modes of trade and mutual advancement may not be exclusive to established financial currency.)

XThat the modes of trade and mutual advancement are not exclusive to financial currency and transaction.

While transactions in actions and things are made towards equivalency in trade for both quantifiable and qualifiable return for all parties, modes of trade and their actuality in mutual advancement are not exclusive to financial currency.

 ti esti and why: to finance...

-consequence to non-monetary foundation of trade is that             

-implication of non-necessity for monetary foundation of trade 

While transactions in actions and things are made towards equivalency in trade for both quantifiable and qualifiable return for all parties, modes of trade and its actualization towards mutual advancement are not exclusive to financial currency.  Consequently, the withholding and retention of reserves for original advancement to continue and persist for either party of a trade returns self-sustenance so to eventually re-finance further efforts.  

That the status of a positive, zero, or negative value or a numerical value for a reserve cannot qualify 

at concurrence in trade how the denomination would tend towards having centralized or distributed attributes implies that qualitative accounting remains essential to the conduct of trade at any level.

With monetary currency tending towards being a currency of distributed nature, with centralization quoted within geopolitical boundaries, and with a long heritage as foundation, its viability is retained despite being without the capacity to guarantee equivalency in trade nor is it with a sophisticated level of augmentative powers for advancement within a world in balance.

For the case or scenario where destabilization recurs, conversion to earlier forms of currency at a determinable rate remains possible while future forms of currency may arise to become enhanced.



The endorsement and continuation of memory to account the past actions of significance and support present and future push to advance and maintain.

appropriate opportunity to extend what network where there is a view to distinctions of other spheres when 

objectives and their advancement have become reliable and viable at a state of sophistication.

the network could be extendeded where there is a view to what differences distinguish other spheres 

when its own objectives and their advancement have become reliable in comparable states of sophistication.

expand its network

with a view to the differences

other spheres


become reliable 

in a state of sophistication

Consideration of continuing precedence of delimiting the initial sphere of advancement.  To expand its network (with a view to differences in other spheres) only when its own objectives and their advancement become reliable in a state of sophistication.


XThe orientational roles of world trade and financial centers distributed across the world to reach representation.

XThat the modes of trade and mutual advancement are not exclusive to financial currency.

XConsideration of continuing precedence of delimiting the initial sphere of advancement.  To expand its network (with a view to differences in other spheres) when its own objectives and their advancement become reliable in a state of sophistication.

The endorsement and continuation of memory to account the past actions of significance and support present and future push to advance and maintain.

-> to those who wrote over my personal note in the post here before: This consists of my recollections of memories from how a particular city was built from an original vision by a predecessor from a long time ago which was shared. I'm an architect as my predecessor was an architect.  Should you feel differently, please post elsewhere and email me a link or otherwise publicize your information. 

Wednesday, February 9, 2022


groot had grown from a nature's branch by this sequence in Vol. 3. groot's grows like nature in love.


self sufficiency when times are hard:
in freedom and liberty, independence and courage

re: COVID - The Actual Problematics, and notes

  What are the Aspects towards resolution.

- must include separation and comprehension of the facts; integrative analysis

        1. collection of tips (ie. some communities fare better than others)

        2. organization of information (eg. what works, why)

        3. communication with public (ie. which trusted communication channels are appropriate, what specific content)

- response and intelligence to eventually become distinct and independent in preparation for a longer future: timetable

- what to arrange and how to step de-escalation so as to be towards knowledge gain and enduring resolution: objective


Where are the opportunities to grow non-conflict-based "positive" intelligence - 

- sources exist in communities that have pushed back successfully - recovering information require in person travels and building of trust between individuals (how early bureaus began, how insurance was sold to townships)

- how accounts of resolution in past and ongoing scenarios have been or could be informing resolution

- de-escalation has included the idea of Health for the public, likely to need come into balance with issues of the social nature that should demand our attention

What ought to be in public service announcement(/information).

- to be included over time gradually the preparation for understanding what length of duration is realistic for the persistence of problems and the process of moving towards possible solutions

- expiration of interest in citizens to provide information often due soon following occurrence, requiring asap arrangements in building trust and accounting

- communication in essence derived from the information collection, analysis, Integrative Analysis, and interpretation collected on the ground level

How to redefine mobilization so as to be/seek towards stabilization and harm reduction.

- whether opportunities exist for soft reform of health establishment: to recover traditional methods of care and to return and install novel information for application in health from current intelligence

- recognition of social injustice includes: role of cross-group communication on individual basis, and further, possible paths towards eventual public representation of underrepresented and undervalued groups

What is another way to prevent escalation.  

- to reinterpret notions taught in old handbooks concerning negotiation in situations where persons are within dire scenarios

- deep analysis for internal memos and collection; to be followed by reduction for public service communication

How to tap the extraordinary ingenuity of the everyday communities for solving such problems.

- the Accounting and recognition of leadership and comaraderie on the ground level, as well as the strength of community that resists and resolves what hardship, problem, and conflict at hand

The role of Zones: what constitutes the use of stable zone status as related to zone-based systematic analyses, exemplary models by particular zones,  and public service communication targeted to or drawn from specific zones

- information from the ground finds source in individuals with individual agency, the discovery being a collection activity averaging out to be horizontal in nature, which is possible through fundamental human agency as granted through trust: such information may be collected at local desks

- how to encourage communication between departments at scales above municipal or city levels by offsetting past hard separation of levels in intelligence

How to plan discreetly for preemptive de-escalation in future scenarios.

- analytical accounts must follow to prepare for future positioning: while no singular future can or should be guaranteed, the possibility for future stable positioning should be realizable

- message of peace and reconciliation should be prepared for due communication in place of pessimistic casts: victory is to make possible the regard that grand futures can be on the horizon for all citizens

How to tap talent:

- in this day of networking, individuals often occupy multiple roles

- where situations arise classifiable as urgent, new and old roles may require the inconvenient movement of people with multiple roles and the recruitment of local talent


- in the far future, create the possibilities of codification and representation

** Hope that's enough - you should have asked regardless of my last name

The reason for accounting that includes affected individuals, triumphant or otherwise:

“The terror of the Great Crash has been the failure to explain it,” writes economist Alan Reynolds. “People were left with the feeling that massive economic contractions could occur at any moment, without warning, without cause. That fear has been exploited ever since as the major justification for virtually unlimited federal intervention in economic affairs.”

With the democratization of narratives, there has been a generic demotion of the "official account."  However, such as periodic accounts that enable agency from bureaus are still relevant.  The methods of "classification" may have changed and could take on improvement upon institutional learning, typically built upon the requirements as prescribed from interpretations of accounts.

The accounts we maintain have the function of records enabling information for future scenarios but also the functions of determining present and near-future actions with effects upon the communities we serve, as well as aiding the public communication from the official agency as the central government.  If a single account is not possible from the bureaus, then multiple accounts with internal consistency would of course be required.

The correspondence between memos, accounts, and statements is hoped for, but is also based on the utility of spontaneous cognitive grasp and interpretation of present situation at hand.  While the world is inclined to believe that all happens at once in the networked world but such has never been so for all takes time, this fact of time necessary for deliberation, action, and reflection could help the demographics to understand the process is one requiring time and learning, which despite our all-too-great expectations of ourselves, is perfectly reasonable and easily understood.  The action of writing and interpreting and delivering in correspondence with attempts of various types is that of ascription and is determinative, meaning whatever delay occurs due to deliberation is necessary, as is that time and effort, success as well as error, are to be expected in encountering and dealing with circumstances of exception.

It is important to fully recognize the practical significance of action due process, as we have learned to do in the course of the nation's history in intelligence.  That any new circumstance requires attempts subjected to trial-and-falling-short has been proven likely.  If old memos and records do not quite inform us presently sufficiently, we may still require them for reference, and this fact would have been a lesson that we must better reflect, deliberate, and revise and augment our present records later for future generations when our current preoccupations are resolved.

UPDATE  Due the files and information from times before, the COVID label along with medical classification schemes and logic rended it possible to maintain the stability of communities at all different scales. The label has also made possible the generation of new information as we enter de-escalation patterns and cooperative efforts to reduce harm and delimit new instances of unusual cases.


Inquiry into findings through the label of COVID

- definition as with basis in transmission model but not thus delimited
- limitations of the old model and new developments discovered
- essential comparability in communicability
- additional complications in implications through social behavior: informationistic
- contact contagion vs duration and extent of its aspects; many types

- conditions; expression; treatment and recommended actions
- retrospective: preparations for projected scenarios and current relevance
- reframing medical terms as "sterile", "intravening", "isolation", etc
- lack of supervisory review in immediate medical settings and fact of distraction by the digital-representational; disinformation and errors
- non-fatality likelihoods in cases resulting in fatality

- classifications by "extravertive" vs "subjectificational"
- non-interchangeability and less common cases of concurrence

- cases of individual upon individual vs LOTF category

- actual incidence of physiological injury vs psychological depression and environmental suppression
- "contagion" redefined
- measuring impact on a patient

- prescription of response and activities; meaning of care in medical advice
- correcting the information environment
- additional advice; drawing from imperfect measures

- appendix: types of affliction catalogued and classified

UPDATE It is worthwhile to re-examine the sequences in history when similar things did happen. There are good reasons why on this continent the matters never became entirely out of hand like elsewhere. I suspect historical records would show an action taken followed swiftly by containment, action of which never strayed too far away from a regard and respect for human rights and life.  It is important at present to consult the annals of history.  

Tuesday, February 8, 2022

  Beginning with the wiki

The wiki is a great start, and a solid foundation to the establishment of knowledge bases on the web.  For reaching different demographics given the global agenda we have agreed upon, we need to bring a higher structure to certain instances of such platforms, bringing to each platform to allow:

- the introduction of direct if asynchronous interactivity

- accessibility to varied key groups with potential to participate and contribute

- allowance of paths towards consensus using visualized and explained information

- introduction to world-changing visions for the future 

- participation in input for the development of a platform

- connection to notable resources on and off the web

We all have the same notions for what is good for the country, the world, and humanity. We need to let them appear and manifest.


Opportunity for learning, input, and consensus

Visualizing and explaining information

Visions for the future


 Areas of interest:

- Environment and Earth

- Peace and Non-conflict

- Interfaith Communities

- Education and Information

- Sustenance and Quality of Life

- Space

- Conservationism and Energy

- Techniques and Technologies

- Communication without Bias

Monday, February 7, 2022

  from one of my working files for space development possibly applicable elsewhere:

"Only in hindsight does the development of what later turns out 

to be components appear linear - usually, what fits the greater 

puzzle at any point in time could be a result of little related 

component developments that nevertheless converge in a cohesive 

design of scale.

Where development of technology is not linear but drawn from 

an undefined distribution of sources, each invention and notion 

becomes part of the standing reserve to range from for each idea 

and even collective milestones."

full up to date working file link

  I am penning The Creative Act 2002.

This item was stolen. Please note it is intended as the first piece of a larger and possibly quite complex process to call for a patent desk. The goal is to protect not just our creative works, but the faculty as well. 

Preview here: link

Full copy: link

It is my hope that in time we will find a new USA Patent Desk, which could create, maintain, and hold an indexical catalog so that our creative and intellectual property created by Americans for use within our country could one day enjoy international accounting and protection.  I believe that where we believe in the creative impulse, many obstacles will be overcome and the new will come about to usher in new opportunities.  I will now contemplate further circulation and welcome your participation.  Please circulate the text in full.

Full text below:

The Creative Act 


Right of the Human and not merely a privilege to explore beyond the realm of the known for the New

and extend beyond the appearance of the immediate self for the novel phenomena is to enact in exercise an act of motion from the motion of the Act: in the enactment to create One regards the immediate self as more.

To take not merely as a notion, not ephemeral but permanent, what is selfhood has intrinsic the Creative Spirit, yet blossoming of intrinsic Nature in beauty and complexity solves all the questions that finds Joy in the True and the New for what is Joy without Frivolity.

Relegating the miscellaneous and rising above the mundane affairs of the regular day so One ascends to heights unprecedented, high above there above where dwells all that which is amendable: to rise above that to be transformed even created from scratch Is not nothing but the founding of the bare material for Art: for what view were possible should the Creative Spirit soar above and then elevate the average day.

Nothing in given Nature was given with no due course, yet what Artifice have been forged from Nature to our Fortune by collective effort a greater good was sought — to seek what but betterment of lifes and visions. From the transition to take as Property the products of intelligence Knowledge that in becoming informs the consciousness of Us All.

From the percepts create, herein the genesis of information from given data by interpretation of the data of perception through the true and good of the Soul Is informed the Creative Good.

To remove from blind sight that objective of blind profit, for what are appearances but merely observed reality, when Motion signals and reaches outwards and upwards so to raise from the data captured in perception what patterns of Sense and Beauty and Rationality.

Upon the throughput of the Creative Spirit, what techniques, technology, image or Art should come. In the art of sense and exactitude is drawn the momentous inspiration as though from without what is from within.

What takes form derives from the creative Mind from the moment of the Soul, by the swift actor spirit realizes one’s small acts of creation.

Where the reserve addresses what sum approaches the principle — with such potency that like excess throughput were possible admits of the act without reeling excites tomorrow? So the Soul is aroused to put forward and posit an image directly of the Soul such that the Mind remains without loss and not even premeditation without cause could expend.

For the reserve has been adequately augmented by increments over Time that no exhaustion even with cause were possible in the event of the emission of the act — were not there be this reserve the act is ejected from the soul and removes somewhat from the reserve; but that the act is emitted rather than ejected by measure and rhythm the reserve returns to its original fullness.

In reflection the act turns and returns, so follows and arrives at the restoration. In the reserve its holder is the recipient that by echo in reflection so restored, so returns that joyous self-same self with Originality.

In this the value of the reserve has the same value and gains a little more for the creative act like spirit is positive, and furthermore, for adoration of Truth, Beauty, and Love attains continuum and singularity so all intent and order are within one.

What nobility shall rise within: in the means the reserve is thus retained. In each individual that which is is the original Originality that retains.

The collective Will imparts such enterprise of artifice shall grow by Art in leaps and bounds seemingly from without: within each work but all works of entirety for discovery. For all future times, each work in its individuality shall be kept and sought like gems in a national treasury by the Patent Desk.

From the Love of God each Citizen is deserving of the protection of faculties and works by the Government by Citizens. In traversal over the past and in surveyal of all future possibilities are selected the best in human make beyond which of the knowable is transcendence.

Hereby, the Patent to certify originality is granted in civil letters, drawn by intent and force of Law, to the identity of yours, the undersigned, for having generated This Creative and Intellectual Property, and for your definite creative potency that has willed the throughput of this work, so that full protection by the rule of Law and the democratic Government by Citizens of the United States of America is now presented to you, the undersigned, on the date signed below.

Whether artifice and its enterprises are by distribution or centralization formed, Let our vision be upward cast, and Let us of the United States of America Exalt our Spirit and Soul in being of God and within Grand Nature.

All artificial works as one’s work are of our own make such that by all of us, in the respect for the Creative and Intellectual Properties, celebrate the Mind in the state of creative genius in affirmation and regard for the Natural Right of the Human Being.

Penned by Ann Lee on February 6, 2022.

Signatures of Citizens : _____________

Date : ________________

Thursday, February 3, 2022


  What is good and new to be made is next to impossible.  Decades, centuries of consideration, deliberation, tasks, and work go into preparing the ground just such that it is even remotely possible when all are safe and sound.  That everybody is involved is the crux of the dilemma - the differences in circumstances, understanding of those circumstances, positions in the society and the larger Nature... therein lies the impossibility despite the ordering of societies.

In the world today, we are most like those we are next to. That destabilization occurs everyday, but that some instances are more affecting than others, this could not be denied.  The fight is not the substantial conflict with each other, we must believe, but in the slow resolution of differences, one at a time.  Faster, we wish, but sometimes only so far.  Can some move be have anyway - in what lies the fairness to each and every?  Law and individual compassion are at the foundation of it all.  Hence, the great man and woman, those who saw a little further because they have the courage to stand upon the premise, the good premise, they have drawn.

We all try to protect those we love.  Yet, to see further is to precisely ask ourselves, in which establishment can we believe?  Where are those leaders we sought everyday?  Matyrdom is the last resort if that were the act that was taken by those who could barely understand anymore but believe in a certain establishment.  History and culture, for one.  It was in their own memory and heart.

What of the establishment that reject inertia in being too established?  They are vulnerable but accept the risk involved.  The best are protected so for the future, as though upon a high lookout tower, they try to relay to those on the ground what is possible.  In these lookout towers too creation occurs.  For example, the projective cast of domains that rends so many more creative and civil possibilities real.

I plead that you wait and consider and not let the inertia, yes, motion is too an aspect of inertia, move you forward.  Be brave and advance carefully.  Have a good evening.

Wednesday, February 2, 2022

Fast forward to_. (arg: the futures city)

  The land was large but the camp was just so.  There were no boundaries in sight when a person mills about, taking care of business.  It is the tip, the vertex, the front or frontier, the very front terminates by convergence to a point somewhere ahead, further beyond sight somewhere the horizon looms forward always beyond grasp.

Many people were milling about, seemingly lost in task or thought, moving around searching for a stick, a brick, a board, a pane of glass.  Over there, wiring is taking place underground and further a wireless tower being put up.  A glasshouse over there, quite large, a crystal palace and a pavilion.  Ink was being laid down on ragpaper, a newspaper tomorrow should come out at the make-shift porches, on each of them.

All around beyond the camp was dark, though at the horizon there is a line of light - the Milky Way beyond our reach.  In the camp, quite large and borderless, an orange cast of sunlight complements the perpetual LED lamps placed rhythmically along certain lines.  Over here a runway for the space plane.  Momenta of particular individuals streak of woolen jackets, Ivy caps, silk shirts, linen pants, leather boots, space age boots, rubber runners, and bright orange shirts.  The busi-ness buzzing along from this to that, from here to there, to here from there, to this from that.  Crisscrossing of bodies and minds and transmissions and business, commutation of photons and electrons lighting up the premature grids, one overlaying the other from sector to sector.  Overhead the 'copter traces out a irregular search and rescue path, seeking the helipad.

A fire in a tin garbage can here, a candle lit dinner there.  Silverware crossing plastic cups of cola and beer, swamp water turned into alcohol.  Multiple levels coalesce into a logic lattice, the matrix of communication and magic, rending the place a buzzing occurrence without end.  A place without locations, an imagination without delay.

Rippling over river rocks the fresh water pipeline called a river, laser captures on the mountain ascertaining the location of the moon.

Communication is intermittent. Most time was spent in solitude: not quite solitary confinement for most do mill around picking up pieces and bits needed in yards scattered across the terrain.  Terrible weather almost never happen, for there is no yield to reciprocally contribute to the greater patterns.  Logistics was never heard of for the basic infrastructure was barely up and running. Smooth and efficient as they appear they could not be used because upon use they often revert to their previous inert states.  

Visitors arrived with their puzzles and thoughts of inquiry.  Yet, amongst the mostly working and busy people used to the stark conditions of frontier that looks further beyond the realm of the settlement, visitors found themselves unable to reach for words.  There was something almost unspeakable about the towering silence in the barely describable geography and there was something immense about the invisible horizon onto even newer frontier not yet settled settlements.

We had brought with us the most refined of our stone tools and metal instruments, but they seemed so small in comparison to the immensity that is the unbounded unwalled rationale yet unbuilt though frames have been put up.  Up high in the clouds another land rose truly towering.  Gazing down upon the city in the cloud was seeing the orbiting, the suspending, the trajectorial modules in flight and in network.

A galaxy awaits, if not for the spread of the smog amidst the fragile criss-crossing lines of logic and energy, it shall be ours tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow.


A History of Architecture and Trade 
edited by Patrick Haughey


Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...