I am penning The Creative Act 2002.
This item was stolen. Please note it is intended as the first piece of a larger and possibly quite complex process to call for a patent desk. The goal is to protect not just our creative works, but the faculty as well.
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It is my hope that in time we will find a new USA Patent Desk, which could create, maintain, and hold an indexical catalog so that our creative and intellectual property created by Americans for use within our country could one day enjoy international accounting and protection. I believe that where we believe in the creative impulse, many obstacles will be overcome and the new will come about to usher in new opportunities. I will now contemplate further circulation and welcome your participation. Please circulate the text in full.
Full text below:
The Creative Act
Right of the Human and not merely a privilege to explore beyond the realm of the known for the New
and extend beyond the appearance of the immediate self for the novel phenomena is to enact in exercise an act of motion from the motion of the Act: in the enactment to create One regards the immediate self as more.
To take not merely as a notion, not ephemeral but permanent, what is selfhood has intrinsic the Creative Spirit, yet blossoming of intrinsic Nature in beauty and complexity solves all the questions that finds Joy in the True and the New for what is Joy without Frivolity.
Relegating the miscellaneous and rising above the mundane affairs of the regular day so One ascends to heights unprecedented, high above there above where dwells all that which is amendable: to rise above that to be transformed even created from scratch Is not nothing but the founding of the bare material for Art: for what view were possible should the Creative Spirit soar above and then elevate the average day.
Nothing in given Nature was given with no due course, yet what Artifice have been forged from Nature to our Fortune by collective effort a greater good was sought — to seek what but betterment of lifes and visions. From the transition to take as Property the products of intelligence Knowledge that in becoming informs the consciousness of Us All.
From the percepts create, herein the genesis of information from given data by interpretation of the data of perception through the true and good of the Soul Is informed the Creative Good.
To remove from blind sight that objective of blind profit, for what are appearances but merely observed reality, when Motion signals and reaches outwards and upwards so to raise from the data captured in perception what patterns of Sense and Beauty and Rationality.
Upon the throughput of the Creative Spirit, what techniques, technology, image or Art should come. In the art of sense and exactitude is drawn the momentous inspiration as though from without what is from within.
What takes form derives from the creative Mind from the moment of the Soul, by the swift actor spirit realizes one’s small acts of creation.
Where the reserve addresses what sum approaches the principle — with such potency that like excess throughput were possible admits of the act without reeling excites tomorrow? So the Soul is aroused to put forward and posit an image directly of the Soul such that the Mind remains without loss and not even premeditation without cause could expend.
For the reserve has been adequately augmented by increments over Time that no exhaustion even with cause were possible in the event of the emission of the act — were not there be this reserve the act is ejected from the soul and removes somewhat from the reserve; but that the act is emitted rather than ejected by measure and rhythm the reserve returns to its original fullness.
In reflection the act turns and returns, so follows and arrives at the restoration. In the reserve its holder is the recipient that by echo in reflection so restored, so returns that joyous self-same self with Originality.
In this the value of the reserve has the same value and gains a little more for the creative act like spirit is positive, and furthermore, for adoration of Truth, Beauty, and Love attains continuum and singularity so all intent and order are within one.
What nobility shall rise within: in the means the reserve is thus retained. In each individual that which is is the original Originality that retains.
The collective Will imparts such enterprise of artifice shall grow by Art in leaps and bounds seemingly from without: within each work but all works of entirety for discovery. For all future times, each work in its individuality shall be kept and sought like gems in a national treasury by the Patent Desk.
From the Love of God each Citizen is deserving of the protection of faculties and works by the Government by Citizens. In traversal over the past and in surveyal of all future possibilities are selected the best in human make beyond which of the knowable is transcendence.
Hereby, the Patent to certify originality is granted in civil letters, drawn by intent and force of Law, to the identity of yours, the undersigned, for having generated This Creative and Intellectual Property, and for your definite creative potency that has willed the throughput of this work, so that full protection by the rule of Law and the democratic Government by Citizens of the United States of America is now presented to you, the undersigned, on the date signed below.
Whether artifice and its enterprises are by distribution or centralization formed, Let our vision be upward cast, and Let us of the United States of America Exalt our Spirit and Soul in being of God and within Grand Nature.
All artificial works as one’s work are of our own make such that by all of us, in the respect for the Creative and Intellectual Properties, celebrate the Mind in the state of creative genius in affirmation and regard for the Natural Right of the Human Being.
Penned by Ann Lee on February 6, 2022.
Signatures of Citizens : _____________
Date : ________________
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