Wednesday, March 30, 2022

 infrastructure cont.)

For a augmentative digital platform

in upgrading infrastructure

to work:

-Task force begins with data 

- what is Active Data? It is data being transformed into information then application. Thus, as commendable census data is, for its use to be a source of reference in an encyclopedic way, it has great potential to be find implementation in real time - ie. census data of Detroit, for instance, could inform and advice the proposals for infrastructural upgrades, even in cases of distributed needs as water fountains in schools or solar panel rooftops because they could generate collective will and effort as well as bargaining power.

    - eg. digital platform offers a real time submission of street lamps out of order because burnt out bulbs are a persistent problem: even if the problem does not remain persistent after it was solved, the capacity remains important, therefore it was included in the platform as a permanent feature


- what to be cataloged, which to be input to form generated by catalog (?)

After local efforts have occurred

for evaluation and 


-may invite Expertise from outside a city or township

    in determination of requirements for upgrading effort to be multi-faceted 

    - eg. a requirement for a sparse city with many streets that need care may be street cleaning or maintenance machines, whose acquisition is a leapfrogging that seizes the edge of technology for optimal cost without undergoing prior stages - but such may require external consultations to determine brand, type, and quantity

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