Wednesday, September 20, 2023

To yield to peace but How

  In this crisis where no coalition has formed strongly to find communication with that which calls itself the enemy of the public by their wrongful deeds of destruction at scale could only be founded as a position with the lawful calling out of what question they do pose? Here is a first attempt at a Large Document for holding by the Inter-Nation[s] to consider their question not yet forwarded:

The Large Document   draftcopy1 (pdf)  sections may follow

Here reproduced with some formatting to indicate lack or transition of notions:

Rules of engagement ad recall contain before the matter of legislation 

for in substance founding of conventions subscribed even prior exposition

is reached understanding basis for Declaration of War amiss

By volume of violence wrought against men, women, children, architecture, luxuries, art, literature, et cetera

All Goods the requisite questione

to regard what basis such destruction were justification Just?

As impossibility vastness of destruction

what service did discern the manifolded unjustly cancelled nor eliminated

yet war remains on the horizon by means of collapsed plot invisible Requested

but by discernment if declaration remains unfounded whether not yet called or later uttered retains that accountability through the eras of history that is in time.

Doubt of that coherence

in action even if fragments and bits recalled to recollection some parts of some rationale

for an impossibility of interpretation for response to What Question

that involved in participation in the


Irrational violence where lacking justification is to find obstruction their raising of each  level of conflict to war for must towards conclusion for peace to go for close.

For engagement  in each battle bounded so finite in numbers engaged 

on each side accountable to delimit whatever in destruction closure in any art of war

Civility in forecasting to projection to remaining conflict due the loss of

No loss in historical culture nor too high a toll from

consensus for the retainment of all civilized make.

Yet what tell over this span was meant was the Question in part.

Losses’ outcome is poverty yet everywhere, of arts and

culture, and the treasures of civilization to be kept by each world’s own while

battle against the peaceful lot that blood of even innocents were spilled

That Question is Why?

Against whom these battles been wrought   Few on this side of peace were wont to raise the stakes

but asked Why. Some did reason that speculated what overdue injustice did occur

and found as often the perfection strifed for did never yet reach but in this

we had tried as individuals, as groups, and as communities.

Should conflict seek rational closure

when given reason as legally found then such resolution to the happiness of all

will reach all’s sight that in our midst there action on many veins achieved

fruitation decided certain particular Outcomes must be set as objectives

that success by the Will of Inter-Nations should overcome measeley objections from not reason found.

In that cooperation for objectives under peace

position each of   us  upon The Ratio of the World to call for this Resolution in Outcome Eventual

when places each above that originally in situ and to the elevation 

by knowledge respond to but not escalate conflict.

An instance, if land were the question, how then

resolved but plan to be drafted over the picture of whatever is so to uplift what people and

works and even delimited battles   so for triumph in peace eventual Shall Arrive.

The bright idea is aloft where but above us of happiness and peace

sought sown in any populace World if ordered could find such seeds

of notions   favored by some, many, or all.

   If ordered, the World holding all in each for beholding could hold each world

in order ie. many order each one for each own world within its borders

Such true, why the Question brought to fore by these chaos recent

but error in some matters

for determination by the inter-Nation in this is another part of the Question.

What went wrong must have pressed against one or some or many worlds but adjudication

with the determination in legality remains amiss so such fact for knowing

  by the Inter-Nation is to be forged in response to this part of the Question

Just recall of all Relevant Facts comprises

  in this History’s time for that era to be known Tomorrow.

Here signs away is not here yet egalitarian world

by our leaf and stars

for what numbers in simple quantities and in statistical exposition had startled these two


but to respond to yet asked question duly to reach exposition

is the Request for Understanding the whatever circumstances

under the labels acting calls for war

so then to withdraw or interrupt unnecessary conflict  fore situate all countries here

of the peaceful and hardworking that

to avoid non-intended destruction that capacity to find autonomic control and by

Our Own Intent regarding against the destructive  together  of that rid and draw interceptance

   over those differences miniscule by eyes above and towards cooperation

of founded.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Update: Concerning the Pacific


Consequences due the future foreseeable event of docking of multiple fleets up to twenty and even to one hundred ships on the Pacific coast yield the call for problem setting and the search for solutions.  The ultimate danger lies in that populaces at sea at duration from differing circumstantial background for boarding could effectively turn against expectations to the position and posture and actuality of the offensive.  Despite such an unnatural risk, the tides of popular opinion continue to stand on the messages of support and sympathy, this against the talks that such populaces could constitute as far as “uprising” or “invading”.  However, the leaning towards a pacifist reading of history related to World War II on this continent supports the notion that we from both government and the people could “shore” these individuals in settings not yet yielded into reality.

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...