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-Abstract. Essentially, this section deals with the grasping of common principles and views towards those of the mass movements - such is called Security the Concept. The requirement is then forwarded for each jurisdiction to find its own laws in writing for those unprecedented cases upon the understanding that even non-citizens ought to be subject to law and order of each land they inhabit.
In the Strife for Utopia a venture belasted of centuries is a like enterprise vested in by whole populations of Generations amidst the vast clothe of works herein what discoveries of Good and of Ethics that along the way we had discovered that truth binds us but remains in the making like a monument levitating and towering is imparted that particular vision of a state of Peace envisioned by the Great Notions and Ideas across worlds and in each society. It did transpire that the proceedings of organization come to be referred to the level of organization of country and state by which came forth the perpetuating event of the presentation of Nations whose respect was solicited upon borders drawn delimiting the geography of each own land such that sovereignty of each gives the power to the jurisdiction for oversight over that tumultuity of chaos that wrecked. Happenstance would emerge in a void in absence of war, rape, and pillaging all that that will not: that universe within should stay in order and that peaceful relations be had between worlds, this latter holding the promise for prosperity the worlds over then could be called Security
by the Inter Nations that only exclusively in orderly convening between worlds at the invitation of one for those named to enter this one for convening. But that much which is
called National Defense is erected in each case by its own yet with information with its neighbors to form what appeal necessary to augment natural apparati of order in each..
Yet that call for security amongst the Inter-Nations had been revived in these days’ circumstance was shewn that turmoil nevertheless could rise from nether and call for the doctrine towards Utopia and Peace to once more actualize for the maintaining and livelihood of the recovered.
From the ephemerality of unfavorable circumstances we know the bar was crossed that only the call for the orderly upon a grander vision of the True Design could we discover in our own times the call for perpetual peace, as here certain emissaries named to call for consensus upon those objectives in drawing to found the right questions and see together the overall picture in What Dream beheld in common: what could fall within the category of Security?
By continent Oceans demonstrate the boundaries but not only a Century of Works did find more another set of logics called Borders. The assumption of rules and regulations resultant from the experience of work drawn of the power to maintain sanctity within individual nation-states and peaceful relations with one another by the border offices of authority to work in conjunction with policing in adequacy of regulating traffic into and out of national boundaries while keeping to office’s records so that travelers and citizens may find situations of order under law that respects the rights of being but not overridden by what labelled criminal this especially concerning those non-citizens entering into a national geography’s societies ensuring that the rights of and by citizens within borders should not have the intrusion of overstep.
Accounting for that shortness of insight in the beginning of a new era that has uptaken so many technological products including those of mass travel as planes and trains leading to the phenomenon of mass travel, and due discrepancies in knowledge from the past for the future, the action today is for the awareness for positioning towards the future by leaps over the understanding that given the blossoming of consumer technology certain responsibility was found rather elsewhere from realized politics in various polities.
That discovery of worlds’ dynamics not always already comprehended by established logics including those of each and many respective nations for the changes traced out in each generation are of the motion intrinsic to the morphing to give basis to evolution now appears as that now called issues of the global nature
but that security guidelines can check when matched by corresponding activities in policy and governance and enforcement: by grace of the histories that prove triumphant by the rational will be found the courage to together stand and seek enforcement through mutual governance a new enterprise within the international as amongst the Inter-Nations. Civil notions engendered by rationality prescribe that there be active responses guided by thoughts founded historically and ideas newly discovered engaged to the favorable futures to guarantee stable motion concerning especially motions en masse whose activities and outputs throw against principles themselves upheld by the habitual movements of civil society - awaiting is the discovery of the rationales and subsequent actions that assure the stability of societies thus even the distribution of raw knowledge or crude information besides the more aggressive violences cannot override the existent in the established principles and realities for the emergent from unforecasted motions giving change should not disturb the orders underpinning peace time.
So thus what agreements for what objectives could be beheld and grasped upon as in common and in mutual so that the legitimacy of the Inter-Nations’ cooperation could be elevated by those principles to be had in common beheld by the local laws and regulations to be written and put into action?
Each sphere should have its own vantage, its own perspective defining parameters and grounds to issue against the specific troubles form the unexpected activity, a reiteration of the guiding principles to its societies: let be Law and Order.
In the space of effective actions upon carefully prescribed measures, due to unprecedented nature of activity, consideration is given to
what acts outside the direct prescription of rules and regulations by words laid down: that wrongfulness may show itself to the intuition of a society is the circumstance from which to find rational description and legal opposition so that wrongful action set before nevertheless fall under the local order by matter of subjectivity to Jurisdiction that gazes upon the field to identify, describe, oppose, and correct the unusual, bizarre, and wrongful and these operations shall be guided by Justice. The Rights of the Human Being fore set in international norms shall be considered in each case and weighed against the unfavorable consequences of unauthorized actions for rights as privilege is not without conditions but rather rests on the balance between the person and the society in which he or she is in the goods and in the ills he or she brings through the willful act.
Therefore, judgment of one undocumented remains upon his or her willful act that brings whether good or ill to a society for in that the fair domain of law and order the societal good is assumed in its wholesomeness and unified well fare of society and its peoples. Thus in the current milieu amongst peoples from the different lands in a specific land, all shall be made subject as is natural to the law and courts native in these lands, with accountability to norms set by the Inter Nations to date.
Thus, the Right to adjudicate on a case to case basis belongs to dimensions of governance proper to a locale: the universality to the right as a human being was proposed yet confirmed but can be considered as an assumption proper to the alleviation and elevation of human society in general. What requires expounding is that for all rights to be in effect, any number of those rights is with the precondition that the Right is a Privilege, given what granted to be by Civility, as the goal to reduce and eliminate havoc and chaos intrinsic to that less fair domain of illegitimate actions bringing ills to many and profit to few. But that of late so many of this type of activity are due by doing to those who would travel to dwell where they are owing status documents set forth the requirement of jurisdiction so as to return the proceedings and processes of enforcement and adjudication plus consequences fairly and justly through the mobilization of citizenry in appeal to their sense of contribution to society into that proper realm of the jurisdiction of existing Governments and by their historical proceedings and codification endeavors these governments’ Laws granting the peace and the Order of societies various, in distinguished places.
Hand of Justice from above prescribes that rational discourse proceed in the search for principles to be beheld in common with the understanding that each land shall administer for the problems specific to the order established by its societies however regard with that special respect the cooperative effort in multiple convenings and agreements that defined Security the Concept as an abstract environment generated by the Inter Nations with consideration to what is requisite to upholding all that has been realized in affairs enacting the pillars of the worlds we each are charged with even whereupon a view for the grander scheme rightful for the centuries ahead: indeed that future named Utopia that has for such times belonged not only to Tomorrow but Today. To track forward to embrace Future’s promise by centuries laid down What is to meet action but sponsored how by knowing how resolution each by each had been achieved by motions from trivial to scaled if attributed to locals and citizens to each place: the precedents set by historical records in right and in wrong for local affairs viewed and perceived by many of a place have already set the firm foundations in local norms From widespread understanding and common sense that judgment by the public sphere is such that to raise the level of Participation
in finding cause and effect, to inform and to bar or arrest could be exercised. Enclosed in the resolution future requisite is good will for public benefit that all could contemplate rationally for the ills and wrongs done such that consideration to each own Act as Premise, with this knowledge is inhering the right to defend each own Societal Good. But even with the notion that citizens could be called to defend their society, the question must first be raised as to what legal bases could be drawn so for future inference Actions by Law and Just Prescription had unfolded? The intent and will behind a collective action must be rational in the first with the deliberation in time that accrues the records from past and subject facts from past and present to future consideration with assurance that legal right can be upheld yet then to have been in time to effectively find that Society itself does not begin to descend?
The foresight is cultivated upon the decades of examination and the times over which consensus has been reached by convenings, arguments, and agreements: to now seek collective actions that right over what wrongs is timely and the Question is How -
knowing what differs between worlds is the foresight for distinct prescription in different worlds as we look upon from what Principles distinct and what premises or objectives to be beheld together? Thus the future is both one and multiple with outlooks both in general together and special in application for each instance for each land. Understanding that issues have been shared but were drawn together comparatively that common patterns did emerge of problems very distributed and difficult to fix into scope and focus but that they abounded from common causes was a grand insight that bore historical significance for that theme of a single one unified world; the anticipation that administration against widespread unrest should be hard let lend the pause which is these convenings international that rend the opportunity to review all progress made in finding good societies within and peaceful relations between the Inter Nations and confer with one another which Agreements apt for adoption then for all of us too.
What new emergent scenario might have unfolded could yet be captured for due diligence has been granted to review the cases and superseding thought between the nations at their presentation had due fill such as to constitute orientation for resolution common to be founded by Affairs belonging to this day. In our anticipation is that despite the path previously laid by our tracks is solid and strong, the sturdiness with which our approach is made Onwards towards Utopia Tomorrow is yet faced with obstacles and challenges that may dwarf and trample, but with our view to Progress by so many years of effort and convention Justice and Progress shall guide and light our way for that guarantee to our children and grandchildren and all descendants that this age’s elevation for grounds and visions were sound. Thus for all the considerations of the legality we must recall all our efforts thus far for tomorrow require recognition be upon our consensus founding underpinnings by the common with like-governance still more abstract but not let they delay further actions which must be undertaken to fulfill the making of the guarantee of the future. Let us remember our orderings are alike in the protection of the good life without subsuming to some dictatorship and inclusive of all men, women, and children’s God given right to breathe and live and such inside of societies carefully cultivated and built over centuries. That universality of rights bar wrongs be known in awareness yet recognizes Foreign as different from orderly
we shall come
to understand this common Mission that to save the Home of many and all their livelihoods amidst their dwellings in civilizations and societies and communities
we are called to Bravery and Courage to establish what parameters following accounts of what circumstances disclosed by mass motions, and following, understand our orientation, find our position, and Work towards Resolution, arriving from this plateau come of the Principles and let delegated to laws, courts, and or to local order to subjugate criminal behavior to the normatives of the Inter-Nations if not surmountable by
local regulations.
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