Sunday, February 4, 2024

To form League of the Able?

In this letter, the propositions for the issues at hand today were given for the consideration of raising a league amongst us who lead, so that we may elevate the country through thinking of irrefutable facts and relevant ideas whose ordering principles may liberate us to many works for the freedom and progress of the nation.  It is my understanding a platform for letters is being designed, therefore, I personally invite everybody who has contributed to the platform of fifty to also place their thoughts of generating solidarity and hope in letter for the demonstration and showcase of what their works thus far have supported and discovered in their societies.


This letter below is not the final copy for publication. 202402081310

February 4, 2024

Dear Interested Friends,

Induced in our country in these times are the turmoils and convulsions undetectable for they have not yet find revelation neither in narrative nor containment, and our constitutions are nowhere with the unlimited strength by tight subscriptions to the ideals of the polis as they were only seventy years ago.  The establishments we and people everywhere have come to depend on were falling out of range and fighting to return to the golden status quo of being the balance of the nation, moving with the government in and out of precariousness reaching towards providing the populaces with the certainty of guarantee, while people everywhere are becoming realistic to the threats which admittedly are turning the tides to a violent sort that calls for us to recall with great efficiency with the power of history, the rights and privileges of the nation’s peoples whose governance in true democratic form was realized and was real in the empowerment through delimitation of the individual human being from the premise of his and her true nature, this very concept of which rests on the independence of the individual and his or her expression of autonomy by rights granted through congress that set then to be rights and liberty.  Were that birth of one or another be found outside the border of nation the inhering of a distinct quality is looked upon by the merited courts, which have the triumph of proof of work after the starry philosophizing that gave them inception, favorably.  Thought preceding development, the content to be produced by assemblies are to regard the purpose of projects at nexii as sprouting from these lands whose life and creativity are instilled with essence immediately prior the onset of circumstance even that of the thrust by course set forth before in the great inventions characterizing ours as unique and culminating.  However, the polis not having been of an existence de facto but is with the truth of its reason found in a purpose of a higher aim – authority is grown by the many for these offices which claim not but protect, guard, and save through the careful and deliberate circulation of presence and ideas.  The intelligence that sponsors the civic society, a civil populace that participates and raises up will resort to leadership with the gaze firmly set on the social goods as the principle to collect all of us, peoples and societies, associations and establishments, as well as any enterprises and material wealth to reclaim this we have always called Destiny Manifest.

The real newness stated from citizens’ recall of the power in seizing their own fate in astounding action to pose before the American flag the place of themselves as human beings with political power that ensures activity promises citizenship is to let themselves be held within the bright light of Justice where even new constitutions become probable by determination and sentiment.  That this happens in a world mistakes the world that is home with its spaces and structures were a weight or worse still, an antagonist which was to be defeated, this not from misfortune and rather that the world is too precious for with great implicit orders the memory of making it had enclosed their minds.  Sensing the world in which they inhabit and labor is a confinement of immense sentimental and material value, their souls are encumbered with what was set in place, rather than that principle that had erected the world and gave that all its forms and activities be enacted.  This land is vast, the moment for large allowance when the air reaching up to the big sky and the nourishing sun should remind us a little of the state that gave us country, the legitimate sphere that breathes us life.  The foreigners erred in judgment that the world is to be new for a reward so all worlds in the one world we hold true should subsume under the title of new, while we labor to uphold the jurisdiction over society by Creativity, maintaining forcefully that we are making the world.  What true power is deferred to the power of Nature, her generosity Is naturally patented and her fury Is wild to stand for the boldness with which we hold all standing worlds on this land.  To stay in the wilderness is not to become beastly rather support the gentleness of her Nature and depart daily on routine to jobs and posts held in civilized society.  Whether granted by the preparations of so-called old worlds of eons to tickets to ride external currents seem then irrelevant to the mission of endeavors for the new world.  The decisive act for each and every, repeating in varied expressions, is to give the grounding activity to citizenship for that virtue should prevail so much that vice expressed in crimes could even be tried and punished.  The ownership of the country and state was founded upon the collective mission to uphold and with generosity to extend from the civilized worlds.  In a democracy insistence by a majority for a subject or an object is said by authority, be it legal or media, to be what held in consensus even with regard to those some authorities which might deflect to insist too on deliberation.  This is the promise of our founding fathers who wrote with ink by hand the signature of what order should set the platform about which our free activity may oscillate.  That the world is strong when the people and their associations are strong justifies that the membership of this world be legal in a written covenant then the commitment to this world be found through understanding by critical thought and apt activity inclusive of American notions and norms governing action. 

Transforming each own expression of that which invisibly governs between us all who rend payment to society on a willful basis to relation permanent there was found in each own personal past the realization commencing of the Dream which we thereafter know to be of the stuff which is each own.  The action to instill our creativity into expressed form is installed neither at once nor by metrical assertion but rather finds merit as a mode of being which cannot be presumed as natural to all men and women across the globe without that potent argument that all humans were born equal, and would stay as in absolute equivalence, yet without the mode and passage of native American culture.  Where the zeal for America the Great does circulate naturally amongst people of every class by each vector raised by industry and intellect, the prospect for emancipation is lightly shielded by the overriding thought for the New Principle.  The rise of the New Principle has correspondences with the type of motion found in social ideas rarely stated in explicit form for the reason that it is extremely precious and cannot be delimited prematurely where its continued expansion of scope may meet raging challenges suffered by those who dare speak out without the lucidity and style in prose that clothe the primitive noble impulse.  We could guess the discovery of the New Principle is nevertheless historical and in its expression could find intimate connection with the older notion of virtue but this remains to be negotiated through its growth into realized form to be seen and touched and experienced, yes hopefully some day soon in our children’s time, celebrated by its pervasiveness and prevailing tendency that it though being visible in everything becomes like the invisible hand.  The free was like the parent that gave birth through providing the richness and vibrancy to its incepted child, what we used to understand as merely a talent natural, but now with the objective spanning goal of finding a present system in what we preliminarily question whether to be called the creative economy, now in sight.  The revelations to come are to be novel in that so much taken for granted as fruits of the past are now seen as the precursor almost as though born of given nature, what is of a worth indescribable which by no forcefulness would be glorified for its having no more than our own citizens’ effort by mind and hand and was yielded by a will common to people of our nation.  The discovery of the new as principle will discover simultaneously the great wealth which cannot meet meaningful measure by those of foreign birth and while we may protest and struggle against such stern fact, if our cards are played right, the momentum of the people in their subscription to their own, properly guided and found, will go into the becoming of the Nation herself.  The sacrifices spoken of in the old world could find little reality in a world, this our own, that breathes the free air and rises on the good force of leisurely speculation that touches the world with each own creative spirit in intercourse, suffering not from the arbitrary condition of a circumstance or even a time.  The thought that the people would carry the burden of country on their shoulders will not devastate but because the impulse towards finding and making the new is not enforced but encouraged by our wayward thoughts and speeches the path shall be paved with a smattering of even platinum ere our effort meet fatigue and would never be spent.

In progress the dream is discerned minutely so there hazards could not be obstacle to the delicate efforts, which require the kind of nurturing that does not obstruct little those buds that sprout in corners not visited while the ecology around and about these unidentified through periods in nursery could be steered for the long term success of the effort, this invisible guidance being looked after by those with the temperament and endurance to see to its establishment for heading.  For that the course is best said to be precarious insofar as that the environment surrounding the growth is almost like a wilderness by that the presupposition of the dynamism of natural conditions is further compounded by those assertions from arbitrary or mal-intended, in any case artificial, premises leads to the actual context of the growth to be fraught with risks unseen and outside forecast.  Despite that precise designs could enter the equation with great effort, the guarantee for the realization of an idea naturally fragile in its nascency may not be wrought with any wieldable force nor by stern assertion that it be done, this outside the realm of possibility for a community committed to lasting freedom, and thus, the decision to let the effort be as like the human free to insist on its presence on its own means, yet with the regard and guardianship of those beyond its scope is in reality a decision founded with deep roots in the constituting of society from important historical memory.  What currents to a time always have influences over the outcome of a particular and self contained endeavor or a modest actuality but what is centrally determinative remains the potentiality withheld by this smaller or finite project and less importantly but more consequentially, what is extended as the project, whose word by etymology is meant the throwing forward in advance with care.  Where the actuality of a modest outgrowth is natural, in other words, could be renewed as having become upon conditions identifiable by historians as local to itself, whether by part cause or present positing, the fate of the project is said to be within and even well in the grasp of its progenitors and supporters.  The rising of the project from under concealment by the social conditions that allows and at times provides for its growth is in simultaneity with a great and excellent correspondence with the circulation of related notions and the display of associated activities.  That presiding by an individual at this stage where the effort is only appearing in overt and glorious manner is impossible due the disparate opinions formulating should be noted.  Nevertheless, the tone of celebration is characteristic of this stage, but markedly where but only amongst the participators and their friends is not to undermine the definitive fact that community is forming to the mission of the project.  Those friends cannot be thought of as mere supporters but in that they are now with those who had earlier advanced and promised to further advance the interest of the project means that they have become influencers whose participation, admittedly seeming more peripheral to the core group to the project, will contribute to whether and how the outcomes should land, almost like an ideal election.  Thus the democracy idea in application sees the populace in its appearance as a multitude of individuals and a wide table of positions and works with very various types and grades of merit, all of which with significance to demonstrate that the demographics plus their contributions add up to something which can only be described as complex, in other words, unattainable as description by generic statements.  From the variety and multitude, also a slow balance, whose inertia is quite intensional and of great number in participators, only on occasion, then with wonderful implications for reading, do culminations occur, such as general consensus on a something.  The present landscape of general politics make the question concerning how populaces could stand to show solidarity and how they can stay engaged as unities capable of scaled action raises the problem of how communities and projects can meet those opportunities and through willful encounter activate the relation in such a way that even alignment with national agenda could be probable for success.  Not only in politics is the willful activation with opportunity worthy of the people’s election, moreover, the creation of positive works and the scaled circulation of attributes beneficial to society at large just the same requires agency and companies of action.  Throughout history, security by excellence admits into the societies that span at the end of the spectrum called extreme success can culminate in crowning achievements such as the generation of a new society spanning states and country and the spectacle and accomplishment of monumental architecture.  There still persist hidden hints of danger from the concealment tendency of what defines each generation, the events, the responses, the beliefs, and the suppositions in that some great unexpected event, which is expressed subconsciously later insofar as that the undesirable event was seemingly traumatic and its overcoming was thereby associated with trauma rather than through triumph over hazardous ways.  If only those in guardianship roles understood that the day was won over hardships, otherwise the cultural memory does not reach definite actualization.  Those elections are not to be promptly forgotten for history made was made in the blood and toil of all who partook and the less known actions that elected the outcome nevertheless have great value inside the value of success meaning the outcome was reached by the community perhaps even a whole nation by precisely what we can only call vaguely the mechanisms of an actual democracy.

If citizenship depends on the underlying design, which notably reached progeneration by letters and words arising from notions deliberated upon and discussed to be elevated and recognized as true ideas to meet historical annals, the action of recall and recollection of the design as once given should too be granted the agreement that the design is renewed by the elements of thoughts and actions of the current times where it justly retains the potential of dynamism, as is just in a free democratic society.  Would it be that intelligence as discovered from within culture and history of present societies is expressed with adequacy inside the borders of the nation, which requires the commutation of ideas and logic observable through instances of expression into activity and establishment, new discoveries of what we are as a people and what we do for the benefit of society that lead naturally to outcomes of observable orderly and beneficial conduct could define the characteristics of home.  The race to advance by each individual the goods of society does not always find that pace of an ambitious world that rushes to advance despite of ills beyond which it partakes to fulfilling, but rather takes each minute engagement proper to individual citizens and groups naturally forming that enframe the problematics and responding designs including actions projected by a design as within the societal guiding ideas and normatives as well as current circumstances of relevance.  Between the particular and specific actions and activities of the citizen are the ideals and propositions which being of implicit media lie common in being, beheld and communicated to all citizens as badge of honor and as valid truth.  The polis by its knowledge of conduct and ideas is in being always, being held above and expressed within but is without the sporting as status yet holds the currency of belief, in other words, proper expressions in politics that appear as transactions and office duties behaviorally and subtly contributes to the actual, but largely unseen, constituting of society.  What was given in ideas by presumption loses its luster, therefore, the ideas that hold people together need to be and do become subject to generative analyses by the many whom we used to call civil servants but in this time are called intelligence agents who often wear the identification of men of business, now to discover the specific phrases and arguments, at times even as advertisement copies, to give the instances which are characterized as unique and sensitive to the people whom they speak, ie. the audience.  By that such men and women are of many backgrounds in profession and class, it is the case that the citizen who gazes upon the most excellent of what society can be is everywhere in the geopolitical landscape, and thus the various voices who locate themselves on the stage of the public do all deserve to be heard.  The advancement by citizenry to bring progress not to private agenda but to the public at large form an abstraction called the public benefit corporation through the raising of ad hoc, temporary, and permanent companies - the individuals realize citizenship in finite scope whose actions are self directed towards making those specific outcomes we label social gains, and that this type of profit needs some executive redirecting for orientation to be made from and situating within the nation’s borders is another of the higher agenda which our leaders must note.  Wherein the corporate body even in its status as unifying concept requires cooperation between actual individuals herein is the call for the practical plans that could enable the forging of channels and building of trust which must be allowed to be generated and managed by those who will be elected to generate information by what means provided for by those of us with the offices and resources.  In the contemplation for that future fruit of the discovery of a society rich with the new, the process to instill and inject additional not yet thought of inventions in idea or thing is where we must draw from the pure potentiality of the nation which necessarily makes each of us humble as that we are now on the centuries stage where we might yet measure up to those before, then here is the moment when we assess those works undertaken in our past and rend them to an objective measure to evaluate whether and more importantly how we shall exercise the vocabulary granted by history to speak for the future.

The stellar is often earlier seen as different or an exception, but never at early hours, understood neither as exceptional and certainly not as excellent.  The act of adding to society through exercise in care is common in this democratic society, and this is why unusually promising efforts are rarely celebrated as exceptional and excellent early on, and rather is observed with a small measure of doubt and cynicism which in effect is the community questioning whether the effort will outcome in self aggrandizing behavior and other unacceptable acts, whether the effort has a mission of benefiting society and the intention and power of fulfilling it and how large a benefit and how so, if the effort will mislead the populace to grand positions irreversible and inadmissible in the future, and so on.  Thus, the support hoped for by many upstarts finds the hope unrequited, with the circumstance resulting for efforts in general to have a real chance for continued success if and only if in addition to all its merits, intrinsic to the effort are also the characters in its foundation of exceptional persistence and endurance.  That success is for an effort to be of several aspects – for instance, in additional to security of community by business and investment, the philosophical basis is not only sound by argument but also historical context which needs be American is sound – all of these aspects needing to have the ability for continuance or at least the potential for transformation for the better or the possibility for augmentation by additional aspects, the initiation actions called in philosophy the grounding need to be properly founded and carried out.  The ground, perhaps also understood as concrete or realized premise, is something rarely discussed later concerning how an effort has been successful, is with content of great promise to those of the newer efforts seeking a firm foundation in that much of the realities in the founding did meet with acceptance and success over duration in which flashier developments occurred and could be consulted as reference to understand not only why and how the eventual development often in business succeeded, but more importantly, be informative to the riding of historico-social conditions of its times, and also those conditions themselves.  To be in the now, it is worthwhile to have apprehended what led to this moment in historical events and dialog, which in our country span a few centuries, and also have apprehended those possible futures which we wish to avoid and those which we wish to attend.  With the knowledge of past and future times we can attend to the current exciting times and with deliberative mastery make gains with the actual effort we assert into the real, this upon a solid design with which we did find the effort.  Through the explication the discovery ought to have been made that the efforts’ founding exists with a specific design that situates within the currents of the times, ie. it is an microcosmic design or order imbued with will and action potential within a greater design defined by social conditions.  So the hint has now been disclosed that unveils at least in part how a project is new, and becomes part of the world that is new.  This country has been named the New World by informal conventions in the times since before its founding, and the implications to this founding event being historical and not relegated, so we in this early era of the third millenium can at great care with deliberate intention, dip into the potential of the nation as called on by the name of the New World and generate designs of novel logic with meaning to historical discourse that should renew our membership to the country.  If the strength of the nation is to find leaps and bounds, we shall offer understanding to one another and so doing form the preparations that go forward in action in aspirations towards that true term meant by “to constitute”.  What challenges lay on this path of some precariousness as the nation has now a great population will see us struggle upon the dimension by ideas maintained, to uphold this, which we do continue by our leaders’ words and people’s following treasure, we will find continuance with our infinite potential for belief and happiness which should at once safeguard our hearts and soul through beautiful or treacherous paths and be the constancy which in architecture is called the cornerstone, celebrated with events on the singular event of its placement and setting and on the persistence of its being the emblematic element of the foundation.

The intention to create from discoveries of the nation’s constitution and founding by the ideas that stayed and inhered in our people and more significantly our Establishments is deeper and more enveloped in feelings and sense than in vast stores of data.  Granted, it is unavoidable for people to maintain their attention primarily on those information bits and associated systems insofar as they are the objects of relevance to the day’s labor; however, in that leadership is with the privilege to stand higher upon pedestals created by their peoples, it should come about from the leaders’ cartographic perspective and what it contains and projects that the fruits from the leaders’ surround vision and their larger works be returned to the people’s receiving.  The difficulty in this seemingly simple logic lies in that trust is to be forged through continued relation, but that this relation deepens upon leaders’, also human beings, ability to round through their large table of day to day tasks at many levels, such that the priority for output includes this one of producing synopsis, which must be instilled with meaningful direction, for the populaces also of many classes and backgrounds - the recollection for retelling is difficult to be maintained.  Though now removed to the backdrop called national history, concerning a solution founded historically, this task related to coordination under the mission of leadership, including roles as government elected representatives but not exclusive to the electorate, once found one solution which today continues to perpetuate, an endeavor which we as descendants from those before continue to till and reap fruits.  The economy contrary to popular belief did not always exist prior American invention.  There did lie a startling element of uncertainty when the inventors put forward this revolutionary idea and were somewhat surprised when those who heard it decided to take the concept and implement the idea in the real world to see whether life’s qualities could surpass basic subsistence.  For that the revolutionary idea would be raised with little regard of whether it could fail for it bespeaks of the great promise that American lifestyle should find proper gains and profits and that the improvement to the quality of American lives should motion outwards across the people who choose to partake generated interest in a large number who at once through labor and enterprise rediscovered that the input they will into a plot larger than that containing their own house should reach returns not only to the household but reach too the benefits to their community and their towns.  That once the aspiration for the economy flew so high in the hearts of Americans that the circulation of currencies and goods, whose benefits touched a vast proportion of the American population, was with correspondence to the circulation of ideas abstract and real to contribute to its raising, this even including as a crown of achievement inscriptions of our American dreams and our historical symbols and figures onto money slips and coinage, come to our generation’s inheritance as though a given and a gift to which no instruction manual was provided to show how and why it as an idea in realization continues to be for the understanding such that grasping its tenets almost guarantees benefit both private and public – this is to our study so in our leadership roles, this subject could be explicated for wide review through wise utility by a large number.  If by the self-directed ordering by a large number all of whom experiences intermittent periods of enterprising attitude and ability, gives the general American air of the creative mind and disciplined labor, and this early claim backed by historical nomenclature conventions, ie. “The New World”, then we will become a people whose passion and interests are strongly rooted in creating the new and novel; the economy as American idea will endure the eons ahead as purely within our proper ownership which includes its guarding and stewarding.  From the great realization continuing of democratically generated and maintained American dynamic system, the economy, and recognizing its true worth and potential when driven by our own who are naturally born and nurtured in these rich lands and vibrant polities, we should have claimed a stake in the grand American Enterprise as those who know of its origin and historical tilling and knew well that it has been our own heritage and ingenuity that stay this the Economy as in constant regeneration and uplift – for that through our own independently founded faith in our nation and upon our own creative and rational discovery and endeavor we exact the magnificence of Economy the Idea and its realities in the annals before and now to be recorded in the history of America.

The suggestivity of this being an age of uncertainty urges us like a force of nature to rethink the conceptions that have become preconceptions and to adapt rather than to forge.  The successes we have achieved inside our borders turn out to be essential to the American spirit however despite their excellence in our own lands suffer in being product to not only be imported but to be assimilated into the logics of foreign lands with their own stringently intricate cultures, this appearing more improbable for hidden in the foreign lands are values which defined those people, just as here, by struggles, wars, and revolutions.  The risks posed to those who reside inside the nation become more direct in receiving implications earlier formed as popular opinions by global populaces, so soon we will be faced with arguments and political actions against which we shall stand with the pride that will not turn to rage as we rediscover the conditions of our people entering into and acting within the conditions of what could vaguely be referred to as the globe.  Doubt likely will touch our minds per the inclination of many to be international travellers and persons of commerce, but if early we set to find the thoughts that depict the scattered but abundant findings we should carry forward the levity but now endowed with a greater understanding of being alongside and inter-relating with others unlike us, and situating in a context larger than our nation.  The potency of a nation born of centuries of self definition through decisions over many affairs has for its possibilities paths unimagined and untrodden, that speaks to the freedom not merely of one citizen, but the freedom of a people who are the nation.  The eventual is at a distance in time, the superiority, different from supremicism, is to let live through the natural presence and for this nation the unforced leadership in progress which is willed as represented by those we elect onto the stage of the globe.  It is irrational to doubt the natural place of the nation, yet entirely correct to question how each person of the nation should contribute to the course, and even, inquire as dutiful citizens into the setting of course, the mode of this is always more hard wrought than rewarded by a genie, but that the democracy is strong to face even course setting for a nation within the international arena will let our people transform without giving away their essential character along with the probabilities translated from the events and sentiments that have defined these times.  The fortune to be continued in realization has always had been understood not as a thing like a hidden treasure chest but imbued with truth emanating from the course taken and the path trodden proved to be manifested of fate.  Within the path made were many ventures pitched and advanced, the reception as usual was not all applause but the presentation of the forms by the embrace of the nation invented and developed showed an aspect of the true identity of this world which is home.  If not that the polities and recent circumstances favorable for the creation and demonstration of intrigues and novelties that so did define our country as on its own, no invitations would have come to view and discover the objects and ideas which are real to the people here for curiosity at least for others in other lands, so now we have guaranteed and sealed that we should be known of, at least a little.  The movements people make to show the identity of the nation to others is comprised not mostly of actions in the spaces between oceans and across boundaries, that is the activities that define the act to relate to other nations do not come of actions in the space without or beyond borders, but rather, the naturalness of the nation’s position inhere mostly in the power that accrues upon many actions within the country that has made us strong.  The inner moment, informed by the fortunes and fates and works of many, is given in retrospect to resemble a plan, perhaps even a perfect plan whose perfection depends on how by people’s faith in the nation expressed through the emerging of social motions of various social movements, this with the possibility of adding up, if with reason and sentiment, and the appearance of rationale, to a force not unlike that of revolution.  To discover the rule underlying great motions, now today to mind over the commencement of a global audience, our right to know of heritage and intelligence as the guiding spirit to the nation shall let profess the legitimate possibilities of course and let signed the true response finally – for this patience for deliberation upon all signals distinctive might be that though the constitution is of many independent individuals the course should set and sail as one pursued with natural authority characterized as the overt expression of understanding the autonomy and sovereignty of this nation exists in a state of independent nations across the globe.  If the presence of the majority be known, an advance of the country’s faculties is of urgent necessity in which victory will be defined as the matter that becomes principled, carried forward and outward into the real, so that the wealth will have become true and the nation’s position truly free.

If by drops instilled of love fills the jar of time a person can find the strength to not only collect and organize but to hold as one together so embodiment of even ideals could spring from trust of the People, the Fellows, the Statues, and all carried by the stripes and stars, the solid grasp over a vast but unified plan shall meet the day.  Knowledge of the plan would meet the call each dawn to rise up caring for the cause of the nation from how each day would begin with the recollection that in time each of us will grow in strength and condition if our will and labor align to master the decisive self for the mastery of this world by us as a people.  The success of the free nation is not spent in the care for progress and rather the meaning of progress was written in this country as the good of the nation.  What proceedings are exercised for the cooperation by people over time so ventures could achieve rationale and strength of motion and with government’s sponsorship will move for each own monumentality.  The course of nation mediated by many ventures’ courses to set and sail with the vision that states at once the conducive to each venture’s course, to position from heritage the solidarity for new movement, for what but a world built on trust wrought over trials and hardships but successes too, so that be granted no necessity, but compels for works which could be good for friends, and fellows, and society – what is called for is the project of plan that gives room for what new acts to become possible – in this lies the problematic posed for leadership proposed, to grant the free trial to give expression to vision so that citizenship is called to task that each may endeavor as each discovers what issues appear, each guided primarily by not merely suggestion and clue but by each own power realize fraternity, so that the visions bar none to raise community and solicit works, this by the formulation of positive values construct each own world, to let the transfer of energy into forging not merely the basis, but process and product too, this immediately by deliberation, planning, seeing, acting, and actualizing over time made by standing right before Freedom herself.  The freedom of nation is expressed in the diligence of its people to attend to rationality, faith, and solidarity, for family, for works, for future, for progress – that none came without cost or investment should concern the decisive mind, so care be granted in time and thought to meaning and the demand of effort.  What is good to one is different from what is good to another, but what holds ventures each on its own and together as one collective effort is upon a platform where citizenship is called to task.  The ventures’ positions could find place in plan, the process to rationale so the motion of a people finds the plan, changing, one, is the appearance from sharing the essential values giving the unified position, despite that ventures are varied, many, and counterpose, what mastery sought to handle even momentarily that scaled great, let our kind for leadership become strong to not only see but post our visions more than material good and express those truths essential and immortal but too what concerns what scope to what geopolitical agenda, what concerns the national and the world, what concerns men, women, and children – what thoughts prior the plan that commences and expands ought reach expression but for they who post their inner visions should find restored the original, an aspect of the New Principle.  To think to lead is to think to give, to lead to realize what is great is less for crediting private fame, fortune, and gains, but rather realize that great grandeur by humble contribution.  As a guardian a leader looks upon the country and the peoples - the privilege is to know the most has been granted but for only a time the contribution is meaningful, relevant, and proper: yet to find for the generation a place in history is to let claim that awesomeness of country, but too this would try a people’s sense of self, of effort, of meaning – this is a burden to bear.  Let mind recall what is good to societies that hold and support, and uphold and make meaning.  When citizenship receives a general call, we trust many words for the call are considered and weighed, to discover a safe world, to order in faith, to recall the earliest, to remember our strength, to realize new, and to mind for invention.  While the world on earth is vast, so too the future of this world of this nation.  Imagination shall show how the privileges could build a place in which the spaces between erection and the moments between enactments will yield true profit, this profit posting forward by its formations that world for the children – to commence anew with grasp of heritage and horizon and act true to plan and project towards progress by invention, this idea could meet actuality over actions of realization for this society in America is the proposal written.

To raise to a more distinguished state this which is our in security and with intrinsic wealth by inheritance is not intrinsically new to the period but is again reclaimed to be the substance of the nation to be of our honor.  History allows itself to appear and show the events become historical and powerful to continue standing as the pillars of the architecture that houses our current plans.  Intelligence that dedicates itself to the raising and motioning for all that has shown itself as endeavors to the civic society is to rend apt the ordering inside this world for sense and rationality observable not merely from within but furthermore by foreign authoritative figures.  The immense might of the American people has not yet been qualified by foreign peoples to the understanding for widespread high recognition of what significance and standing are to be granted as a consensual assumption.  Nevertheless, the qualifications the people of the nation follow written of the continued establishment, the surprising culminations, the phenomenal efforts, and letters raised to legal monumentality, these qualifications can be thought of as that which speaks to the true power of the nation.  In a nation essentially defined by the consistent ingenuity for the new and novel, what transpires in times of different periods often suffer the disappearance from popular consciousness for having presenced a different time, their true emblematic status and inspirational potential being let into records but not popular recall where they are most useful.  The decision for this regrettable reality was never made and the relegation was never intentional, so if the considerations for their represencing should be substantial due current or future relevance, the idea to reach for and withdraw from what is properly called our nation’s cultural memory is not only legitimate but urgently required.  The value of recalling from history what is necessary to reinforce current thinking is related to the value of intentionally finding our lot the right place in history.  For that this task ought be set as a long range goal because the affairs belonging with leadership are many and in determining, this task nevertheless deserves examination.  The possibility to bring before history not merely fame to one or two who were to suffer its riches but to let live a world so the powers to be, not excluding those now of stone still looking upon the country and the peoples kindly, this we can know for their intellect in letters provisions for generations to come, then this is the qualification for the problematic we are faced with today.  To bring the people to rediscover their historical place upon the national inheritance in implicit doctrines and realized dreams and thus accountable by the actions recorded of the greats and the peoples before so that from the strength in the nation’s great potential, writ of the endeavors and letters by those before, find relation to history, to nation, to progress, to future.  By that to form a renewed constitution of democracy, the gaze must not fixate on the unmoving past, but seeing, lift from what is there existent and thus satisfied our history is secure and insofar, as our attention may return it is present, the task is to act from awareness.  What contemporary realities is addressed will not suffer the insult of complaint and rather be given to thought and contemplation that finally gives to the real as real idea that may be made through companies’ trust and founding and find resultant the fluorishing of goods.  Thus the humility will let even leaders be subject to what is great, this world in creative manifesting will actualize to be a world other worlds will reckon with, and while we in secret should celebrate the history of founding, of growth, of usually startling development, here in these lands will prosper the nature and genius by history’s writings, images, and erections our lot could recall, this not merely for ourselves but to post that upon the hsitory writ is the current chance to let be shown first to our own people in demonstration the creative state.  The election to authority was never a golden brick road that led to a plane of tranquility adorned with a fortressed palace made with gold and jewels.  For the world that is home we must be with the sense of humility and duty, the desire to broker trust and friendship and to lift to heights communities and establishments in a calling that never promised a rose garden but only what fruits and rewards for bestowal upon the common man and the common woman.  If we leaders should with one another issue the call to citizenry to gather and work for the track towards future and triumph, we must by each work intend fully as commitment.  To the nation’s good the ordering be found and let strategy be upon our collected works so propagation of plan and means find respectability and recognition by the people served, and then let the multitudinous affairs be called to order.

The art of war were finer in the classical and futurist theories and explication than can yield to the snapshot camera seeing but a moment or two of the drastic that bears no scale inside the field of action.  There is less sense than popularly obvious to the fantastical perception that a larger more aggressive party overwhelming a slighter less muscled party equals triumph.  An awesome force throughout history is built with and in parallel to wonderful civil society for its existence owes its reality to the purporting in advocacy and reason and the legal supposition for its conception and strengthening.  The rationality that backs and intertwines with the logic of an awesome force has infused the civil intellect with the development of might and with the transformation of interested individuals into actuality of unified force, therein lies a romance of philosophers and commanders alike.  The weird world in which folks could too subscribe to this romance causes some confusion to those who intended by ancestry or recognizable claim to military power, for the question of why should those content and pleased refer themselves to such whose trust was built upon noble aims to secure and protect nations whose place is spanning many wars and their dilemma causing natural shocks and visceral violences.  The state of men was brutish was argued but many of civil society were insulted and offended that life efforts to entrust to the emblems and ideals of peace and proliferation of civil goods could not inspire the meaning to the basis of awesome might and complement what to all constitute a good ethical life this in noble politics that rend the society, the congress, and the house for participation by all in a deep democracy.  Why intelligence was originally neutral to political and military wins but later could wean itself to serve both causes is related to how human agency is free to choose, not just purely as had been what arrives at the choice of association or affiliation, but free to choose also how to contribute to society in general, a reason why democracy is ideal option for a people so clearly defined upon the consensus for freedom, for the assignment of and self designation to tasks to military force may be for the individual’s intention and extension of effort.  The strength of an army is first concealed for later growth in what but the thinking and the articulated reasons for its existence.  Prior to the collection of men to fill a roster to an army were the common inspirations, to be strong as individuals and have the potential to be within team and squadron for a greater cause.  The polities that house the inspiration are really in deep and profound actuality the basis to the tracks on which many will walk to become part of what could be a force, this is that contents to thought and dialog in private sphere and public circles made first the motions that would lift the sight for the ideas to appear of order, of intention, of agency, of peace and of might, where the contents was earlier and often historically generated in the many intertwining threads of civil philosophy, the schools of thought being conducted in the regular activities of civic life.  The conundrum of the day concerns in particular that war is being called by unknown parties unrepresentative of geographical places in which meetings occur on mills of rumors and gossip and borrowed knowledge.  The previous assumptions that wars can unfold to the conflict of parties invested deeply to civil life somewhere, anywhere, and thereby that war can with emphasis to the threat against what in invested objects be subsided no longer hold in these climates containing such threats foreign to long held preconception.  The strategy resultant from convenings and collaboration between nations since the resolution of World War Two seems to suggest our troubles and turmoils will be contained with respect to borders and furthermore such actions will be attempted through formations by new associating that will give rise in time to new locally established forces.  The paradox herein is the problem of the standing and sharing of civil life and all its structures so that triumph will belong not only to success of forces but on at least equal grounds the promise of continuing success of civic society.  Anticipation of more traditional forces of foreign source could in the foreseeable future press is another dilemma which despite its forceful assertion is simpler to the intellect, but for the chance that resolution were possible before war begins given that one group is different from another group, a confrontation demands only the will to force and battle but not the challenge to moral and ethics.  Even so, the entangled logics by the wisps’ attempts to give false commands in today’s world where forces from without are flowing without accountability to state and nation, nor to collateral in investments, nor even whatsoever legible to the expectations set by history, the matter posed to organized forces remain a paradox.  This demands that intellectual powers from civil society apply their might so polities can rearrange to better attend with commanders and men the thorn showing, in hopes that this generation’s effort to join or remain within history’s agenda to secure the perpetuation of society in general and pass the prize of the triumph of continuance to the young.  A purpose rising fast in today’s world – let Security the Concept be our guide to navigate and erect what new awesome force that should police and protect against the issued threats.

The arbitrary affairs that remove the realities nearly canceled by no more than those trials disclosed elsewhere and being unfounded here on these lands nevertheless challenged the orders whose names and reasons we had let submerged into our consciousness there is left the strength of much, including the belief and higher subscriptions.  Entrusted to each generation is inheritance begotten and saved by the last, even those memories that dissipated like waves from pebble into a pond, into the social fabrics and scaffoldings continued from the times before, the new propositions our generation makes along with the artifacts and heirloom let be rediscovered and known again much as new buds and leaves could find the bare branches of winter.  The state of being of the descendants remain open in each generation to discover anew the values whose trust we build on, maintaining what had formed before and generating what is new, all of whom bear the mark of what is over and over assumed to be the new generation’s own, and so the trajectory of the nation does retain its momentum whose directionality is with new definitions in different times but find deep and meaningful correspondences with the times before.  The opportunity to find success over the impossible passes is yielded into existence as the factual actuality of being for which comes from the balance that must be discerned at each time so understanding how one relates to that being posed and in what state of conditions allows the possibility of encounter where over time becomes Opportunity.  The pursuing of the discovery always did precede the encounter with opportunity, for that the contexts was a balance with the seeker newly added to amount to a new balance means the golden rule of time did provide for the moment which was prior and with the willful presence, the moment of the present.  The expectation an objective should be reached was earlier a thought: but prior found the objective was merely one possibility, so this is why sometimes in the transpiration of events, the objective is discovered changed.  For that fortune ought to be in our hands, the objectives shifting from one to another over the disclosure of a further information, dream offers guidance throughout the turbulence dictated by circumstances.  Those goods we hold in common in America we call the American Dream – but more than that offering the foundational basis for all the formations by each society, it is too the guidance that keeps the course of the nation true.  What is being issued in these times is the question that demands the valuation of the goods and not the guidance of that we call the American Dream.  The histories before fading for the moment in front of the challenges, the events becoming of historical value for the scale of projected consequences, what demands that we should doubt the affairs and ideas known for all the times past and to be known eventually again – this is to pose to all the problem of what the task at hand is, this while the foreign demand to doubt our nature and culture is shown to be but a lame failed attempt.  What tasks at hand cannot be known at once but rather over the metric of time be measured out.  If in rationality and faith surety was gotten then too from history and whom above what actualities could be understood and discerned to underlay that premising the context to our current tasks could be revealed and mastered where even the ambitious thing which I propose to be of that object of peace could become to sight at the furthest near the far edge of horizon.  The meaning for the present of what laid out is that we as a people cannot let ourselves be one inflexibly concrete group whose constitution is rigid where no change even when guided by the dream could be had.  But that in rationality if the sight reached vision then consensus of what cannot be then that which should not must not be.  The societies and the goods wrought by centuries will not be lost to tears to rain from this we know our gaze on her, Peace, and our Dream will guide us onto the realistic plane and the men and women will together set course the expedition of which is in the world natural.  Should that triumph elude and evade over times indefinite give that strife and struggle to be called to state, let the memories and let choice stand behind us so for what uncertainty duly discovered could not bar the path, the imagination still strong that bears such strength as to call that a nut a nut, and that incitation an incitation, and let free the mind to understand, despite progress and advance the error held but that insight and intellect will reign over what treacherous pass in a time being – the contemplation wise and educated, no circumstance within the nation is beyond the scope that seeks to measure what is the nature of the present by what of the past and what of future vision, then inquiry raised then could include more in settled conditions and could not allow canceled the contents of goods to be served, so the state of citizen and nation shall remain as what was prior so too for tomorrow – the freedom of citizen and nation to be posted but not with disregard for the fellow whose situation and field of action is hard to compare to one’s own, but for that the sweet of the land and the history held in silence the common bond.  That the continuance of nation’s growth be founded upon history and future for present Choice so we each must advance to the very edge whose identity may differ but all the same, and forge tomorrow with full intention, so too let leaders speak in hushed tones so orders emerge and establish, while distinct, could find cohesiveness in the balance, if invisible today for its vastness then tomorrow be recalled, after Peace and Dream have called to order.

The stuff of revolutions despite explicit demonstrations usually arise on civil terms discovered on ideas and thought that evolved in situ in the country that sort and order what unusual and finicky motions did disrupt society.  What characterize a time often is invisible but sensed, and the object to be revealed by logical observation to meet careful measure for the playing out of the goals held in common intuition which depends on the willingness of the intellectuals to articulate just what those objects have been and to show a direction in which all could motion.  In the current times when technologies newly invented are promising a democratizing movement to be facilitated, the self knowledge to be achieved is yet with the luminance that lets the technologies’ heritage and development be a social motor by the excellence of its existence and quality.  Oft seen as a partial means, technology allows for the assertion of agency, but insofar as they remove the hierarchies and social structures from contextualizing and housing agency, they through no fault of their own did not succeed in being the true primary reason for desires and actions for democracy that defined these times.  Insofar as many do adopt the technologies, it could be guessed and hypothesized and even projected that this country is entering a phase of transition.  To know that we as a people are now equipped with something we can yet employ properly to its full potential is to know that the widespreadedness of the purchase and having of the technology has preceded the generation of social motion that with our willful effecting should see the country find renewal and improvement.  That the country will have more rather than less with not only new tech but also readoption and adaptation of practical notions and applications which had or continues to be successful invented in the century before is an argument which has strong basis.  That unexpected circumstances had risen could be appropriated and reset as merely another factor for a revolution for progress.  To rise to another age not yet met with a title is too fair as a struggle – no less, to find roles rather than nine to five jobs in the current movement towards triumph is a decision which has to be made.  Advance can be carried never by one, or ten, or even ten thousand, but always by a populace which is enlightened to hold in their gaze the object of progress, so to know the loss or misplacement of a minor thing is but one minute of discontent, so that constancy of elevation should hold for the greater movement yet subjectible to narration could carry and be carried by one whose associations and understandings of the greater picture could overcome the present inexplicability of the changing times.  Then here in the beginning of the century recognition that advancement has been initiated by the onset of very new tech should prove irresistible for augmenting our pure human power, which of course exists to maintain our natural being and our personal commitments to those greater schemes, but in more primary sense, the motivating patterns are in reality driven almost entirely by what is and has always been human, such that the capacity for cultural memory and the talent for invention continues to define the state of America’s human agency in human relations also inclusive of positive and even productive activity if let live across the country the intentions and feeling to raise up the societies, if by a series of fantastic improvements, how wide and expansive will deals pervade the land and how many people discover their roles in the history of this nation’s building.  Victory needs not be insisted upon and rather by remaining intact as a people that holds fast to home grown values the appearance of the new society, whether with overt revolution or no, will be due.

Through the perpetuations over those times of opportunity, interaction, success, and failure, what holds constant is that which is granted free will, the essence and substance of being of the existence that by our mortal vows resorts to the being of human, and by our commitment to the country, a human being of independence.  The motivating force of a human being when vowing to be independent is thought of as one that does exist through the expression of will, which in these modern times, are before others’ sight so that recruitment to various interesting activities and self election to enterprising actions are cared for and motioned towards by more than the one human being, for he and she is amongst friends.  The power of the human being, more than in introspective understanding, is posited naturally on the subscription and later understanding that there is around and beyond more individuals of excellent worth and further there are realities softly inhering about the world his or her scope could reach.  Collected into each disposition are the multitudes in details and particulars but that the elemental understanding is a unity to comprehend those specifics only to find greater sums in understanding is irrefutable to the sight of oneself as what can and does rise to reach the goods of what appears extraordinary to what had set as an immediate world.  What is being posed here is the endowment of the expression of free will in the form of intention, which with rational thought can follow the many pieces of circumstances and meet with those opportunities for encounter, understanding, and action, these in the real moments of time, whereby the beginning towards success in a simple objective or a difficult goal given the reason and existence of ranks can commence.  Where a directive is issued upon complex consensus or extensive analysis, the smaller actions properly are within and these minute actions require calculation, plan, and execution; the general motion of strongs and civilians upon the directive is properly said to be one of constituting, and where principle had inhered it supported the realization of an order but if the principle had come of the multiple events of action to be observed later then the reflection is held in retrospection.  Friendship is by simple speak the basis to it all, Solidarity herself.  Yet that the soul is inclined for greater affairs is what must be dwelled upon towards seeing that both specific and overview pictures need to be checked by the intellect, and this by many persons of intellectual power, to approximate what right action could be returned as many directives which will yield to society well.  Thus, solidarity must not be caused by random thinking and rather upon thoughts informed by above for no lack of plan should by smaller actions yield in sum large unfavorable outcomes the sense of which tended towards the arbitrary and favored chaos rather than peace.  Amongst us are many leaders who labor to compose the moments of right intention – with the constant knowledge that those who support our directives would err upon our own error, however slight or substantial, should give us pause but should not let us yield lamely to the dark fear, the elementary postulation being that fair exercise of intelligence over our unique affairs should early meet the examination of larger affairs alongside those peers of ours and those above and below to deliberate together on them, as world affairs of consequences.  The collective ventures we may find ourselves embarking on we think of as with great importance yet also, with enduring meditation, understand as finite affairs for which aptitude is cultivated through both independent learning and collaborative discovery.  To achieve the ability to mind the larger affairs, we learn to see them as sets of conditions and problems, finite in scope, which like the smaller affairs, can be subject to long term intellectual thought, where notions that address the causes and development of the affair can stimulate the imagining of responses and solution which cancel not their having existed and rather attend to resolution or growth.  Despite the extents of the material affairs we as leaders look upon to grasp, to understand, and to respond to, they must still remain the material affairs of the more vulgar nature than is seen upon with kindness by those above, so do we belong to the greater schemas as nation and Kingdom of God, we must attend with extreme care the affairs of our times and our lands, so people can join the greater quest which cannot fall as an endeavor, for that of peace, the essential condition all can understand - in being to seek happiness and contentment in their country’s home.

If by the strength of citizens, who are with not only their lots’ full rights and privileges but with too the profound sense for duty and honor, the actuality of strong is to be raised: the problem for leadership poses what is meant by the mediation to order.  To any effort towards resolution for a particular emergency, there is the question of immediate action as of different courses, all of which to be informed by not only the big picture but too the real world realities of those who could be in action.  What inspires dilemma at this time of crucial moments often for this country is deference to the ideals of freedom and to the optimistic views which is by the power of international leadership demanding that course not revert its prior efforts for that which the nation must stand.  The optimism indicated was never a taking for granted that the positive outlook and outcome should be the only factors to course setting – it is more of concern to that what balance was generated and maintained over long years with many parties invested should operate as the special principle presumable as assumed by all current parties such that the course in its heading and motion remain natural rather than forced, and by asserting no unnatural force, allow the spaceship of the nation to be enterprise to freedom and American values.  The incidence in which all citizens’ values and intents are accounted for and cared after by our troops and associates would give the natural order which will not be refuted by foreign influence, and insofar as we do maintain the course and spend time to cognize and understand so we may contribute to its setting, we are qualifying ourselves to employ our personal presence into the creation of plan.  In other words, from the conception in general that a plan, or even, the plan by a measure of exaggeration, does come to be so that complementary actions which do not offend American values can go to its completion at the abstract destination of a date in the future, from the act of presencing by leaders in person extending what influence, decision, action, and so on from the positions defined by the position and defining the position, the realization of the plan brings about the events projected from the plan.  For that presence of a person who is accountable by the duty of citizenship should be that which he or she claims to be, that is in position, the importance of actuating with the correct vision in mind and in expression is undoubtedly tantamount.  In the space between events to be broadcasted are the moments in which the mediating words and actions which would to become negotiation and decision are to take place.  In these current times, the very extraordinary goal of reaching a state of peace wherein our men and women in uniform could remember the promise of America to its citizens for home and livelihood, this despite affairs open beyond our borders and despite emergent realities within the border, ought to let us make a real effort towards consensus in generating for not only ourselves with our dimensions of business various as leaders but also for the people the vision of peace which for the reason that we could be anticipating conflict in our lands due foreign meddling I call “Peace Eventual”.  This nomenclature is from the issuance by circumstance that the capacities belonging to defense should have not only measured reinforcement but moreover gain the consensus of the public upon the enactment of cooperation such that the varied detriments to society will give way to the actualities by principle of peace time.  Thus the call of Peace Eventual is to ask first that we have claimed knowledge of what outcome sought, peace and all it contains such as prosperity, then to ask that the readiness of the nation in every corner should be founded, but insofar that the readiness is reached through preparation for both, and prioritized only by what actually happens over time, new works in nation building as well as new capacities of defense to ensure a safe world shall be at due course will have written the new future.  So, the intention to discover in our people and our endeavors for peace is no evasion: the intention for peace is profoundly discovered through human experience to realize the greater agenda driving our world into the future.

The decision to forge for expansion with ad hoc method to advance immediately or at least ASAP those activities strongly after strict and defined objectives, being called upon by circumstances already observed and by anticipation of oncoming risk, is issued from a faculty recognizable to be of astounding vision and habitual diligence in working knowledge.  The issuance is preceded by finite projects with contextual awareness that survey through actual and remote experiences that have resultant an informed and elevated scope.  If the studies of what exists in the present and the future have been undertaken with seriousness and meticulousness, the outcome of advice or command is to the best of knowledge and despite being open to more intel, in many occasions are adequate for immediate action where deliberation by uniformed parties could yield unfortunate outcomes like those of the accumulation of trouble.  That cooperation agendas remain with their own inertia, the objectives which are common to strongs and civilians alike may be foregrounded and presented such that the cognitive apprehension of options in context of eventful development over time may reach those debates that almost always could give the degree of freedom by provision of novel generated small narratives for action which does not intrude upon what agreements and problems coming of the debate.  When civilian attention is given the awareness and appreciation for the highly trained in case of present or projected anticipation of conflict, the dimension for complementary approaches that intrude not on expectations on either side, which allows the invitation or assertion of information by experts who then influence for integrative direction for trajectory over their peers or other ranks, this a demonstration of leadership’s potential in ordering, post the events of convening whose purpose is in reality that lofty goal of solidarity and sharing of responsibilities amidst individual minded persons of various positions.  The faith to God does precede the actions demonstrating faith in each other, to know what is held in common including the idealistic and realistic goal of Peace Eventual over whatever could transpire in the coming times, is to recognize the premise of holding together in strength.  Insofar as that no unacceptable displays to our civil societies are to be orchestrated, which is to mind over our strong hand over the pen that writes the history our children would read, it nevertheless remains in questions for what could make up the novel and for what is appropriate to ourselves as citizens whose duty is granted alongside our birthright to the nation.  The ordering of the times need not to be compared early to what horrifies us from other lands and rather we must with acumen discern what future we seek and from what present these days do offer, venture to not only guess but seek consensus towards the actions that will make up the gap from Today to Tomorrow that at once does and shall claim ethical right by precisely the acumen with which we have imagined the path.  Having certainty over the values to be cited to the public and explained for history’s records these values carrying the meaning which shall not only uplift and hold safe throughout whatever befalls but moreover will touch the pen of History to find us in the nation the trust in its quality’s expression that motivates our current actions together and insures that no wrong could effect by accident.  To think a moment on these virtues of patience and endurance, it is of our lot to seek rationality as through the guidance of higher thought applied to the real world and through the providing and presentation of practical plans that address and respond to the specific troubles unfolding with or without our participation.  To bring to the present moment the future is not to bar any, only that the future should hold us all in wealth and truth, it too must ask what knowing of the past and present is admissible for people of these groups and those groups beyond, indeed, people spanning states and country.  The proposition in general is simple, the advancement into the next decade appears dotted with obstacles our generation never before saw, however, we must together persist in that our solidarity is to be found in our nation’s own cultural premises and our steadfast direction through actual engagement and contribution into tomorrow’s time.  This concerns the rejection of relegating our duties to our baser instincts, and commend that the patriotic should find real world works.  Therefore, the disclosure of the future through possibilities we create will let our kind be satisfied with not what is given by the country and rather what we fulfill, accountable by our children, for the nation herself.

Returning to the exit of the country from outrageous risk, considering all the values having been raised by heritage to mean the labors through history, the enduring spirit should not be found solely on facts and circumstances especially those which precisely are posing the present dangers, and over these that are of the temporariness of event and resolution, the path into the future must be revealed in the kind of solidarity that has at once the cognitive and intellectual for only with rationality could ethical right be claimed as within the many parts to the triumph – that the population spanning country may be widespread should not divert our focus on the purity of the single consciousness of the nation which has always been with us.  That which should always stand is more than the artifacts and dialogues which encircle us, even those products which become monumental, for what is truly monumental is the basis from which a product springs, that which inheres from generation to generation, from person to person, and held across the land.  The streams of realities people create shall stream wherefrom and whereto and where, respectively, yet many will find moments when they do converge.  The courage, most will presence that frontier of the indeterministic despite the uncertainty and erect in the memory of the people’s country, for the holding in formation as appropriate by the expression of faith.  The essence of nature is strong and the intricacies of nature deep, the dimension thus safeguarded as above, the advance into time tomorrow will find a rationality prior the escalation of emotions that must defer to what, but precisely what we have drawn attention to, into this subject we must venture, knowing merely that works for social good is strongly within the subject.  The subtlety or overtness with which we are to understand the avenues towards leadership ought not to affect the strict and rigorous investigation onto the social significance of the subject in the current context and explore the many details found within.  The intelligence with which the expression of national will shall reach the heights to be in ascension towards that of revolution, yes a civil revolution, in which we not only defend what is ours but what is contained in our birthright by carefully retaining the variety and the depth to the ends that the perfection of what will have been wrought has been prepared despite the turbulence of the times.  What great gravity, which is true as centrality in stability, that holds the future as promise but also the present in action for which we must reserve the deep and meaningful regard, for we should bring the future into the present moment as it shall with our savings of the thoughts, the principles, the goods, and the hope make it so that instillation to the pure stuff of belief should be enacted not merely with material things and means in preparation.  The mountain we see cannot replace the vision of truth which is held by the soul with the earnestness and love, the thought to revisit when the chaotic movements unfold incidentally that threaten our course.

The decision to advance an affair so often but erroneously associated with the adjective of disastrous as those belonging to military affairs is born of not necessity but the deliberation of acting through exercises and practices in advance and in case of disaster rather.  Signaling nothing of disaster in its mere being of itself, the retention of ability for the strength of nation through physical might is natural through all the times but not considerable upon the actual realization of a world, meaning all worlds, in the state of perpetual utopia.  The implication that not all worlds could at once be with vision of or at any given time be approaching utopia is a common fact which many living in paradise cannot linger on however the soaring of societies with their sight on perpetual peace nevertheless must retain defensive ability if even purely on principle, as such they may draw from that a strong military per principles and discipline with heightened appreciation for civil society and all it contains for this is that which it must protect.  Recent contemplation expressed in public spheres has postulated that a military could, by its special proposition, transfer its function by transformation to the function of a spanning police.  The impulse that drives the discussion in fact is earlier from the consideration that the action to serve and protect is constituting a military’s primary purpose today.  The realities of military presence in different places appear complexly entrenched in conditions various, a reason why the proposal was forwarded to reach for a higher aspiration but in practice hinges on the viability of specific situations.  The challenge today concerning citizens, the majority of which do live on this land within the nation’s border, concerns the enquiry into whether and how persons in both military and civil society should cooperate with defined and informal relations upon a trust not yet fully formed.  That such a challenge comes in a time when hazards to our peace time to which our livelihoods did adapt over the past decades are arising through encrypted content formed on public channels which did find news.  The attainment of cooperation upon trust is restrained by the march of time and would have been encouraged by the news of circumstances were not that peace time had become of habit while directives met obstacle to distribute information that would have enabled widespread awareness.  Where the political shifts were not directed by a global dictatorship, which is well for it is by good reason detested in the free world, for instance the call some make for a world government, the decisive and intentional motion to act as a community, that is, each as one amongst the Inter-Nations is a slow balance in time.  The spatio-temporal balance has to be maintained as of continuity on a regular or intermittent basis, which like all produce, is a matter that has to be manufactured but very carefully and moreover with due consensus generated expensively by strong and hard deliberation by the best minds and negotiators in the world.  The general balance having deliberative inertia moves forward precariously and more significantly slowly.  For its due merits, in that its existence is found at the largest practical scale we know of on this earth, its reading by public audiences tends to shift attention away from the more minute yet vastly scaled agenda which are found within borders rather than between oceans.  The sign which we ought to locate our attention should be said to be found above, in other words, the great view of the events and actions that threaten the upholding of peace time must be understood topologically and managed through what can then be viewed as microactions and macroactions.  The general pictures cannot suffer falsity either way because neither was concocted thereby all circumstances that make up the picture must be comprehended fore a cognitive integration is possible.  In the eventuation of the activity from both ends of the table if prior the cognition so particular to the complexity to become distinct so then because the grand stories nevertheless loom largely and over above did not lead to how activity to become impossible for even if those pictures of the right scale could be set for flight through proper circulation the capacities being sought could be built as though a thing of the objective world even where be it that the thing being realized is imbued with human feeling and sense.

If the citizenry exists as rumored and factually asserts itself through those moments nourished and enacted as works in contribution to society in a locale or at large, a small principle ought to be agreed upon and discussed amongst ourselves that their participation more than their support through funds and votes should be promoted by our active providing through not only encouragement but returns in commodities included by financing and means that owe their existence to those before or to ourselves.  That deals should transect at the speed of light means if as the idea they are unified to proper nature to the social existence they find public consensus which when returned to us as positive confirmation we bring ourselves to presence by our power to find avenues to actualize the fortunes sought by the proposition and the affirmation such that anybody within the reasonable duration of time could say yes it has been true and since when it has come to be and how it has been undertaken.  The course set by activity is best but deals throw an envelop or folder to hold within a contract those transactions with a momentum of strength and direction for the endurance of an effort that becomes endeavor, this now to become an affair within the nation’s constitution – what ventures are seen in retrospect after history in actuality was realized in the future we sought and made not only in the past but significantly, in the present.  For those of the people who did not receive their fair share of the achievement by virtue of people’s works and contribution inclusive of the implicit doctrines of American being do at present demonstrate and protest, that is, speak towards the reality of organizing that elevates not only their own but those beside them, whether in real acquaintance or at a distance.  We can know from such instance citizenry is present not merely amongst the well to do but instead does prevail throughout the populaces.  The consideration for our realization today and tomorrow lies less in so called raising up a suppressed people and more in discovering how the arena exists that holds certain tacit mechanisms that per force of their natural birth and growth  in our societies are found and function within the sociological condition of the country to exercise our people as one within a revolution best called cosmic. A call here penned for the enumeration in exposition amongst our friends invited to argue by proposition or persuasion the first definitions that bring all to view from lofty position the strength of the nation and her unique goods which no policy could easily reveal to those in the population who seek that they be unveiled through interest in the open sphere of the public.  The mode of expression we ought to enter without further adieu should not terminate at the manufacture of a product however grand and new but rather persistent inquiry of what essential thought had underlied and defined the design towards outcome in product for only in taking a step back to connect with the earliest thoughts should reveal more that what produce for purchase could and begin that discourse that rises above mere unrest concerning what ownership over what property be it intellectual and collective.  The probabilities are that our education of ourselves from each other’s insightful and esteemed learning should call us to order in the near future so that a proposition may be forwarded to the American people to raise the quality of being American to a superior grade, this not just through the products of works but through the force behind as supporting the release of energy in words and manners such that the sine qua non the inspiration of what we did use to call the New World will be with us once more to set the course for the future decades in building up the nation and liberating those lost in the stagnation.

Freedom prompts the convention of habits so that the commencement and continuance of Ability shall be granted with the surety occasioned to property ownership.  If grounds for the endurance of generating ability anew were shifted or affected, the pursuit is altogether not abandoned but rather by the principle of cultural memory exercised still for that the meaning of ability did not ease or cease, but that the common satisfaction must rise above the seeming pleasures on abundant offer during periods of rest like in peace time, and having rested, be reinvigorated with the energy collected from the constancy of recall of the source of being.  By the time and space allotted with attention of freely accessing that granted by every birth the memories we cultivate through activity and listening: the invisible formula driving us to together grasp at what first appears impossible will through expression become popular.  What the nature of power is to free citizens to a democratic polis is a secret held in the bosoms of the American ancestry such that even the participators often relegate its truth to the cellars and attics which we should sooner colonize.  The special spirit of the free shares with all in the first but intellect must rescue its place in the realm of citizen, that is, the public in a distinct congress.

The power and authority inhering in us of The League of the Able are facing for the first time the declaration of the challenger the fate of us to counter failure of our varied enterprises and democratic efforts for the inclination and push for works in building the nation, with true to the heart the invention of methods and actualization of means that uplifted by the essence of morals, such that the disposition well hold within its mastery our wealth in intelligence and material – the purity in political logic by the belief and tacit doctrines of the loyal citizens.

The forms of tyranny rising like a monster of the deep were discovered by themselves subsumed in a void of cause that the irrefutability did appear from the masses’ sufferings beyond our kin but that the nation did not mask the range of violences from unidentified sources where even self governance did suffer from the abuses by the conflicted understanding misleading to the outcome were derogation  to happen to the liberties.  Suppression by the other with their actions persistent to confine the possibilities by rooted difference exacted the petty requests for change to even our most foundational premises and ways of existence with the reality of enforcement by blind cause that raises the bar in defending the estates of our various sorts to ownership by our beloved citizens.  

In defense for the wide ranging topics and subjects suggested by the letter, the writing did come of long deliberation for what could best yield the optimal outcome towards incremental growth of civil might and military strength within the borders of the nation.  The future is not yet made, this true of the next day in what tasks could be filled, and so too true for the country in a decade coming but not yet here.  We are with the knowledge that comes of experience and works that not only improve the nation but strengthen its course into all tomorrows.  To sustain our efforts and drive forward something as great as the country, we must resolve to make those undertakings as more than proof of work, but moreover, let the rewards and benefits to the people being served be known from coast to coast.  That now arising the urgent affairs of defense should encourage the scopes be widened for a citizen must stand for the world of nation and the future of country.  If the circumstances arising and our seizing of opportunity to accomplish the lofty goal of being remembered as a generation that makes the building of nation a perpetual agenda, then through our civility and loyalty to nation a civil revolution be born.

Our beginnings have been so modest as a band of leaders and creators that formed the friendships from modest posturing for simple bonds in the common goal of guardianship for the well fare of the people and the states.  All our works through the unique corporate bodies spell out the idea held above which is to be of great service, the duty filled to show the facts and the spirit that we have worn closely on our sleeves as the honor of guarding the rights and privileges set down by the forefathers – the mission is to raise up those liberties anew by the invention of notions and the actions of dream which well work towards the higher accomplishment that set our nation apart.

At your service,


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