Thursday, October 3, 2024

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein air painting session. A message contained, to counter the adversities by what yet understood brought, the upholding of order even by measures so natural as in by some past perfected as a dream easily wrought, so today amidst what one magazine headlined as “age of uncertainty”, we do must towards order even where smaller actions, for the most important not to fall is that problematic in one instance or two addressed below, but countering patterns bad or worse, like disregard like passivity, recall well for tomorrow from what understood easily in the past even half a decade ago or a decade more - sometimes intuition post care and deliberation does find more of our own to our own upholding and support and promotion. Here the personal excerpt, to be filed with ToSend folder so as for tacit explanation of what asked, how come, ‘delay’ (typical, short phrase from intercepted message):

DAY TOday, Third of October Twenty twenty four… Morning, local circle of mine own since before the completion and submission as bid for design-build by Company and company s, where despite siting incomplete design per offering as deemed by borders generic if established - so insofar as Choice and circumstances shocking related to aging countering the “wrap” status of work for Senior Architects - previous forty-eight hours and recent months and further in retrospect, in some turbulence and to bit doubt… we of less in number here locally compared to the number of this circle mine own, nevertheless did achieve the order such as submitted to Judge local. He who heard and received transcript at hour and minute of sudden waking over our internal conference call, agreed to support via legal presentation of my records, of official and actual presence per responsibility and duty to this country of Canada and perhaps elsewhere I have lived; so my temporary state of health then agreed to better for minutes less than an hour, by a measure of care carefully offered by a Doctor also present to the call. 

The item regarding that greater and more profound to appear in presence to a society not with full preparation to respond with intricate actuality by those who reside, that complexity given by what different, what sudden, what let unattended, et cetera. One Senior Architect expressed concern later fifteen minutes ago, of human nature, of casual speech, of what undeniably of error when even the most advanced demanded to understand less and be ignorant like what did not yet become aspiring to greater spirituality, or by what had not known what here.  Yet above inventoried or catalogued, referred to or applicable, to return upon a yet known, if this be of importance, just as a doctor must spare intravening to avoid the drastic errors of moving away from a case within held a few only notes already to understanding, this withholding from effect does respect the same; what similar between the human being below of the Design and this with that extended, so as by convention and normatives most in this our worlds informally under working title of “West” to stay whatevers from the perfection of design in a architecture, but when in the human body even more perfect by Design for from above Endowed, so too those whose works have proven the subscription to the meaning of creation so by all their life dedicated to rending wonder and Good, and to this such being as those with greater knowledge and more experience in this field (s) as Architecture (and as Medicine), who escaped fame and glory still as granted with a mind and a body of their own, having extended more for happiness and health of others, so Now Here care of themselves and decisive agency be upheld, regarded and respected then, I hope. Still, gratitude and wish for continuance to all those who have maintained and now to keep their care too, I hope, still. 

Monday, August 12, 2024

 TELEGRAPH> August 12, 2024 Monday

Braked on major practicuum in the future yet. Tesla estate philosophy found defense arguments by America Returns Future yes. Printouts to Interest like and space recruits. Business For Freedom takes smaller worlds issue the globe as in Keplerian where adoration of the . Have you seen picture like mine of Mars. All the Ballpark. 


Enclosed letter

To merry presentation anticipating quiet tour by only verifiable friends of expertise and proof like gold, pending upon current travel issues and available access per staff needs,

Near the time when I began a personal letter then expanded in what lot we had hoped to come into the horizon’s sight but where surprise cued violence out of expectations did delay in ways concerned by more than reasonable that even fares to war was signed. Hope could translate here today near tomorrow but kin of love and lot by fame told stories not by real events delayed further hope even when enemies to the public were taken in before urgencies demanded slips to attend only momentarily. My own companies fear that jest itself had been compared to no man’s Justice, even report men of forks and knives had removed a Justice under guise of tabloid politics as American engagements spectated by many now viewed by one or more countries previously friends. So free the lasting memory of fathers before, as you have read in the literary speech copy for the popular crowds. Meek, I thought, here closer speech to hear news from your companies in what reached me before around February and this month and the previous also how real a modeled and sculpted original design but sported rumors and gossips which sympathy lends intimately coverage by newspapers seek further development via as such a concept hopefully amongst others in my elevator pitch of COMMREAL; while my gratitude to those who offered new models of Hot Wheels toy cars, implying kindly past and future works. The enemy is a difference that lazes, or held by syndrome not intriguing; for my ways towards what fields, what span, what vacuum there is light here and assuming light at an end to the span. This writing under surveillance, my wish to arrive where here is I an architect who recovers swiftly health and the free wandering of mind to printouts moreover from the decade busy with lesser details but a showcase and a residence to raise over decades into century this dream to so many stalled by such as nonpayment and unusual mentality describable only as senselessness, according to another - may this migrant condition cease merry and full soon in the span of this time. 



Saturday, July 13, 2024

  Calgarians, check @pterosaurusX on twitter, named after art public action number one chronologically when people agree to perch and tweet in public for happiness nature and peace

.today’s note re alert concerning a sign at local coffee shop around town

Monday, June 3, 2024

To New York City

 New York City please view this short note in support of defensive posturing in times of pandemic as with an aspect possibly relegatible of uncertainty, thru city wide support of the continuance of founded, great, sportive, sophisticated, and established architecture, its protection and preservation to keep standing all of this city’s as in architecture, in infra and expressed systems like finance and humanitarian, the arts and the cultures, the diversity, the American at its utmost yet spoken…

Possibly related, another city in North America to come to order to stand for continuance and prosperity: Documents at

Notes re Technology Development with view to Law

  international, subject Law and Technology


1. money, 

   a. current risks against economies to various legal zones and geographical locations at different stages, upon still present state described by problematic of “pandemic”. could new clauses be within the subject for debate in public sight where certain facts and common principles could denominate debates towards working in the public domain for interest of unique and specific societies sustaining endurable economies to each own zone

   b. application at versus away from cryptocurrency’s essential principles in relating trust and tech, legal approaches towards examining rate of adoption and proliferation of technological objects related in different places

   c. how maintenance of legitimate banks historical, longstanding, modern, current, and neo could be improved by law and adaptive legal proceedings that promote essential principles that is grounded in fundamental irrefutable ideas proven as well as give respect to mechanisms and protocols proven, and further advances beyond risk factors escalating injury to system and workers - rel. prevention of deviation from ethical and best practices is related to how legal proceedings examine cases implicating individuals as unique with extensive investigation comprehensive to case at hand, generally a much larger understanding for comprehension than available to most in enforcement

   d. whether and how technological literacy is complemented by awareness to the lawfulness as based on systematic technical learning upon a view to justice as complemented by appreciation of the extraordinarily difficult trajectory sets of technology development from heritage origination stage. how law and legal proceedings can protect continuous and continued development of tech instances as well as ecosystems in America and in the West where input has occurred over more than a century to give digital and electronic technology - the existence of volumes to corpus related to the protection of development from research from knowledge

2. influence, 

   a. Social Media

.media (content writing, curation, publication; organization new, based in analog activities and established ) -constituting, from “Social” - rel. technology in generated and maintained and novel tech from companies, groups, and individuals, engineers and community users and then others, but where progress is to be made; and how law and courts and normatives in legal proceeding to be relevant or to be adaptable to return iterative development when scale of technological phenomena now of vast scales? role of verbal discourse in speech related activity and in writing

   b. Countering Fake News

.were that authenticity and integrity of content, delivered, exchanged, recorded, to ratio of usage statistics. pay and contributions to channels and content existent currently, past in records various, new to be built or recently developed to be cultivated and to grow. government and legal entities roles. deep intrnetworking. support by investing with peers and peer groups and other societally oriented groups. mediation through dollars via state entities and established entities and banks as complexly to be realized for social benefit upon zoning by legal seperation mechanisms as borders. the application of legal understanding to developing and supporting technological and externally founded digital infrastructure.

   c. Influencers

.agents and communities novel of individuals with proven records and success. law’s roles to support and mediate resources for agents also with view of societal goods and ideals through the standing of law and courts.

3. movements, 

   a. conflict and unfavorable patterns beyond technical intrusion on incidence have been noted. cases (Wittgenstein, Logicus Tractatus), incl identification of species and genus, legal zones, general picture, incident report, knowledge based report memo, summary of commentary, followup actions by other parties. to reach apprehension by court and jurisdiction based action from clauses writ and possibly even agreed upon by entities beyond nation of origin of technological instances and large systems, whereof found deep knowledge understanding reach tables of encounter called diplomatic conventions as sponsored by eg. nation or state or country? presumed understanding of adaptibility and disruptibility from technological instance or system.

Followup this post from 2022
Responding to Posting by Boston College Legal Eagle of "International Law and Technology Writing Competition"

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Information Board, to build. Diagram concept (downtown+ specific to restoration and maintenance)

  The diagrammatic drawn as follows:

Architecture Office is responsible to post 

1. Current Priorities (with receiving from related government offices)

2. Call for data { to-information..     [iteration]

by sponsorship with Transit Office: "See Something Say Something"
real time listings (gen. board), moderated by community moderators for relevance

*may be defaulted at discretion to region/zone/professional desks

Board of Work Orders

..paperwork set stamped prior     to fileserver's post board

pick up work order @ termed desk: provide Proof-of-Work, register, 

(yet) Found: On Craigslist, NYC (Williamsburg)

 Opp: New contracting for designers admitting baby stage creative gigs

Friday, May 10, 2024

 To Platform and LOTA: “other” 50%, many pay taxes. Key? Cannot treat tax revenues as uniform sum. Trick in treating contributions as indication of presence for country and nation. Skills, to improve conditions, requesting from government must be a lot which is within the service’s ability to provide as resources are ample. We also would be honored to be with indications of their working knowledge

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

Dear whom who knows who he is

To all the lovely people who send letter after letter like a message in a bottle to the oceans for which the fair and the strong we all sail, here a song for all those who reach beyond the moment upon the dream guided by the stars above. Please check out The Exciting Times as presented by LYRA that contains my little love letters, published quarterly. link

Sunday, February 4, 2024

To form League of the Able?

In this letter, the propositions for the issues at hand today were given for the consideration of raising a league amongst us who lead, so that we may elevate the country through thinking of irrefutable facts and relevant ideas whose ordering principles may liberate us to many works for the freedom and progress of the nation.  It is my understanding a platform for letters is being designed, therefore, I personally invite everybody who has contributed to the platform of fifty to also place their thoughts of generating solidarity and hope in letter for the demonstration and showcase of what their works thus far have supported and discovered in their societies.


This letter below is not the final copy for publication. 202402081310

February 4, 2024

Dear Interested Friends,

Induced in our country in these times are the turmoils and convulsions undetectable for they have not yet find revelation neither in narrative nor containment, and our constitutions are nowhere with the unlimited strength by tight subscriptions to the ideals of the polis as they were only seventy years ago.  The establishments we and people everywhere have come to depend on were falling out of range and fighting to return to the golden status quo of being the balance of the nation, moving with the government in and out of precariousness reaching towards providing the populaces with the certainty of guarantee, while people everywhere are becoming realistic to the threats which admittedly are turning the tides to a violent sort that calls for us to recall with great efficiency with the power of history, the rights and privileges of the nation’s peoples whose governance in true democratic form was realized and was real in the empowerment through delimitation of the individual human being from the premise of his and her true nature, this very concept of which rests on the independence of the individual and his or her expression of autonomy by rights granted through congress that set then to be rights and liberty.  Were that birth of one or another be found outside the border of nation the inhering of a distinct quality is looked upon by the merited courts, which have the triumph of proof of work after the starry philosophizing that gave them inception, favorably.  Thought preceding development, the content to be produced by assemblies are to regard the purpose of projects at nexii as sprouting from these lands whose life and creativity are instilled with essence immediately prior the onset of circumstance even that of the thrust by course set forth before in the great inventions characterizing ours as unique and culminating.  However, the polis not having been of an existence de facto but is with the truth of its reason found in a purpose of a higher aim – authority is grown by the many for these offices which claim not but protect, guard, and save through the careful and deliberate circulation of presence and ideas.  The intelligence that sponsors the civic society, a civil populace that participates and raises up will resort to leadership with the gaze firmly set on the social goods as the principle to collect all of us, peoples and societies, associations and establishments, as well as any enterprises and material wealth to reclaim this we have always called Destiny Manifest.

Friday, January 26, 2024

 Hot off the press: proposed in this message is the offering of games in friendly competition to detour from battle which will result in casualty on both sides.

01. This land is Canada
02. Woods, Skies, Flowers, Grasses; everyone's sentiments are peaceful and for peace; snow-capped mountains being the backdrop scenary; Caucasians' country beyond China-land
03. A military arriving promptly; Striding over the ocean to arrive; Duration at sea, five years; 
04. Point of origin is China?

05. From the winds and the birds came word; Last year in May; The Ceremonious Vehicle did arrive on the Good Day; 
06. Intuiting in the coming time; here persons arriving successfully; allowing receiving would be possible or no;
07. that China with lands beyond including this one, a new meeting; Very important event of presentation considerations; is it agreeable to inter-converse in peaceful relating?

08. In this land people hold reservations; Regular Chinese folks travelling about; By momentary lapse become ready but startled; unfortunately raising that they are losing it;
09. This country is composing and collecting; To calm, heal, place, and recognize; ; but are also treating this matter of arrivals soon to come with regard and deliberation;
10. Late the hour already is becoming as things have been delayed by the travellers; nevertheless, discursive dialog may yet be;

11. Happiness to the domain; Pairing to greet one another for happiness;
12. For wonderful talents in arts including fighting to meet fairly; Competing fairly within an arena the interaction may draw excited audiences;
13. Such ceremony to be prepared with care; Earlier to begin planning is better; Immediately to the task of mending and correcting; Hurry by horse to send transmitted message;
14. I speak too much; Rather thinking about peace; In this life and moment, happy; To build an arena for dance and competition
15. Even a moment would last long
16. Honored guest please stay and be vigilant

17. To watch a fair competition would draw a large crowd; and excite this small place;
18. By small treads to advance important affairs
19. Friendship between countries is possible

20. Your military is with earnestness and power of collective belief as well as power in actual ability
21. This country is seeing what comes from beyond this country
22. To be polite and civil and then frankly express is best

23. But who has already come?

signed. Written by xiaoqi

Monday, January 22, 2024

Speech 6: The Real Deal This Night

 There is arriving the words of those from a faraway land lending us the last strength they have to speak anymore of the pains of their civilization.  They said a civil conflict, and we asked them like children, what is a civil conflict?  They had not the heart to tell us, the truth, a war that breathes fire to threaten the homes and livelihoods of the contented, the humble, and the real.  The goods of the world now at stake, we know not to ask for more, but must accept that the amassing by the masses, dumb and irate, had yelled fire and bullets against what of the civilized, the ones who write literature and poetry, who draw and point to the things that ought for them to rise and be pleased.  So we speak today of the dream, what dream you ask, but the dream that holds us together and strong, that places us above the enemy we know to be anger and hate, but excludes not the will to stand, and to fight.

Tuesday, January 9, 2024

  Came into my inbox today that a locally situated officer of the armed forces contributed to the protocol of emergency alert via cell phone SMS.  I have encountered messages such as about service outage and severe weather from this protocol. At the time I was disappointed that the reception of messages did not generally raise alarm, even if the messages consisted of test content which was at once real world content. However, upon reflection, I realized that in a real world scenario, emergency alerts would come on multiple channels like local TV news channels, personal trust network, public announcement systems in public places, etc, which compoundedness will raise alertness and alarm as appropriate; while the publishing via personal cell phones constitute an additional channel, possibly, she noted, where the earliest alert could be issued. I am at this time also working on new regular communication channels with special capacities related to carrying over important and urgent messages to the public, and am impressed by the lean efficiency of the design of the emergency alert via cell phone SMS. 

Tuesday, November 28, 2023

To yield to peace but how - preamble

  Next section draftcopy, as below or in the file in pdf

-AbstractEssentially, this section deals with the grasping of common principles and views towards those of the mass movements - such is called Security the Concept. The requirement is then forwarded for each jurisdiction to find its own laws in writing for those unprecedented cases upon the understanding that even non-citizens ought to be subject to law and order of each land they inhabit.

In the Strife for Utopia a venture belasted of centuries is a like enterprise vested in by whole populations of Generations amidst the vast clothe of works herein what discoveries of Good and of Ethics that along the way we had discovered that truth binds us but remains in the making like a monument levitating and towering is imparted that particular vision of a state of Peace envisioned by the Great Notions and Ideas across worlds and in each society. It did transpire that the proceedings of organization come to be referred to the level of organization of country and state by which came forth the perpetuating event of the presentation of Nations whose respect was solicited upon borders drawn delimiting the geography of each own land such that sovereignty of each gives the power to the jurisdiction for oversight over that tumultuity of chaos that wrecked.  Happenstance would emerge in a void in absence of war, rape, and pillaging all that that will not: that universe within should stay in order and that peaceful relations be had between worlds, this latter holding the promise for prosperity the worlds over then could be called Security 

by the Inter Nations that only exclusively in orderly convening between worlds at the invitation of one for those named to enter this one for convening.  But that much which is

called National Defense is erected in each case by its own yet with information with its neighbors to form what appeal necessary to augment natural apparati of order in each..

Sunday, October 29, 2023

Tuesday, October 24, 2023

To yield to Peace but how -cont.

 Clauses have been extended to show the series of propositions therein the exposition. The thought is to call the document "Resolution. to Commence [...]". The last set of propositions, call towards resolution, is yet written and is the same as the file previous.

see file in pdf

Friday, October 20, 2023

On the frontier we shall know

INTRODUCTION                                         |

On my national agenda, it was listed to generate a tomorrow for America: “TO INNOVATE LONG FUTURES SUSTAINABLE SPACE PROGRAM.”  

The future is not yet written at any moment in time for any moment in history; yet, despite the improbabilities for certain many types of ventures in the centuries past, there have been those with the pure will of scholarly or research advancement, of craftmanship, of political maneuvers, of actualizing the realities of many kinds simultaneously, to advance the frontier belonging rightfully to exploration.  The concept of colonization was never a simple minded notion of aggression over other lands, but rather, drawn from an idealistic romance for new adventures upon new verges and edges of the known sphere in which so many did dwell.  Returning to the purity of frontier exploration after all the lands had been explored, this here to that so called “final” frontier, yet completely unbounded unlike the terrains of earth, can discover no true edge except for that one of the determinable and determined of the known sphere.

Wednesday, September 20, 2023

To yield to peace but How

  In this crisis where no coalition has formed strongly to find communication with that which calls itself the enemy of the public by their wrongful deeds of destruction at scale could only be founded as a position with the lawful calling out of what question they do pose? Here is a first attempt at a Large Document for holding by the Inter-Nation[s] to consider their question not yet forwarded:

The Large Document   draftcopy1 (pdf)  sections may follow

Here reproduced with some formatting to indicate lack or transition of notions:

Rules of engagement ad recall contain before the matter of legislation 

for in substance founding of conventions subscribed even prior exposition

is reached understanding basis for Declaration of War amiss

By volume of violence wrought against men, women, children, architecture, luxuries, art, literature, et cetera

All Goods the requisite questione

to regard what basis such destruction were justification Just?

As impossibility vastness of destruction

what service did discern the manifolded unjustly cancelled nor eliminated

yet war remains on the horizon by means of collapsed plot invisible Requested

but by discernment if declaration remains unfounded whether not yet called or later uttered retains that accountability through the eras of history that is in time.

Doubt of that coherence

in action even if fragments and bits recalled to recollection some parts of some rationale

for an impossibility of interpretation for response to What Question

that involved in participation in the


Irrational violence where lacking justification is to find obstruction their raising of each  level of conflict to war for must towards conclusion for peace to go for close.

For engagement  in each battle bounded so finite in numbers engaged 

on each side accountable to delimit whatever in destruction closure in any art of war

Civility in forecasting to projection to remaining conflict due the loss of

No loss in historical culture nor too high a toll from

consensus for the retainment of all civilized make.

Yet what tell over this span was meant was the Question in part.

Losses’ outcome is poverty yet everywhere, of arts and

culture, and the treasures of civilization to be kept by each world’s own while

battle against the peaceful lot that blood of even innocents were spilled

That Question is Why?

Against whom these battles been wrought   Few on this side of peace were wont to raise the stakes

but asked Why. Some did reason that speculated what overdue injustice did occur

and found as often the perfection strifed for did never yet reach but in this

we had tried as individuals, as groups, and as communities.

Should conflict seek rational closure

when given reason as legally found then such resolution to the happiness of all

will reach all’s sight that in our midst there action on many veins achieved

fruitation decided certain particular Outcomes must be set as objectives

that success by the Will of Inter-Nations should overcome measeley objections from not reason found.

In that cooperation for objectives under peace

position each of   us  upon The Ratio of the World to call for this Resolution in Outcome Eventual

when places each above that originally in situ and to the elevation 

by knowledge respond to but not escalate conflict.

An instance, if land were the question, how then

resolved but plan to be drafted over the picture of whatever is so to uplift what people and

works and even delimited battles   so for triumph in peace eventual Shall Arrive.

The bright idea is aloft where but above us of happiness and peace

sought sown in any populace World if ordered could find such seeds

of notions   favored by some, many, or all.

   If ordered, the World holding all in each for beholding could hold each world

in order ie. many order each one for each own world within its borders

Such true, why the Question brought to fore by these chaos recent

but error in some matters

for determination by the inter-Nation in this is another part of the Question.

What went wrong must have pressed against one or some or many worlds but adjudication

with the determination in legality remains amiss so such fact for knowing

  by the Inter-Nation is to be forged in response to this part of the Question

Just recall of all Relevant Facts comprises

  in this History’s time for that era to be known Tomorrow.

Here signs away is not here yet egalitarian world

by our leaf and stars

for what numbers in simple quantities and in statistical exposition had startled these two


but to respond to yet asked question duly to reach exposition

is the Request for Understanding the whatever circumstances

under the labels acting calls for war

so then to withdraw or interrupt unnecessary conflict  fore situate all countries here

of the peaceful and hardworking that

to avoid non-intended destruction that capacity to find autonomic control and by

Our Own Intent regarding against the destructive  together  of that rid and draw interceptance

   over those differences miniscule by eyes above and towards cooperation

of founded.


Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Update: Concerning the Pacific


Consequences due the future foreseeable event of docking of multiple fleets up to twenty and even to one hundred ships on the Pacific coast yield the call for problem setting and the search for solutions.  The ultimate danger lies in that populaces at sea at duration from differing circumstantial background for boarding could effectively turn against expectations to the position and posture and actuality of the offensive.  Despite such an unnatural risk, the tides of popular opinion continue to stand on the messages of support and sympathy, this against the talks that such populaces could constitute as far as “uprising” or “invading”.  However, the leaning towards a pacifist reading of history related to World War II on this continent supports the notion that we from both government and the people could “shore” these individuals in settings not yet yielded into reality.

Friday, August 18, 2023


 INTRO-NOTES 20230818(22) 22:03 MT

/General-Picture   RE: Diplomacy National-Defense and News-media International-cooperating



















$peaceful relations







*content to be determined for each of the above variables



1. By these times of shifting landscapes of conflicts amidst continua of peaceful cooperative efforts in maintaining societies at each locale and across regions,

$Diplomacy and $International-cooperation are at the two ends of the spectrum

bracketing National Defense and News Media.

1-1. Diplomacy has to be arranged with long term planning, with the $premise first reached through Understanding.  An understanding needs to be reached from independent determinations by longstanding deliberative thoughts, such that discursive events could be said to have taken place amongst those in relation through agreement on certain principles and ideas, or even especially facts.

1-1-1. A $mutual-understanding is reached from agreement to consensus between individuals deemed fit from their previous determinations.  The understanding, being mutual and being determined from multiple individuals in the seat of authority, could then be used to determine the lines of the $premise.

1-1-2. The $premise has multiple lines due to there being multiple principles and facts which could be agreed upon by persons selected or elected to authority.

1-1-3. The $premise may not merely be very tact, but rather should reach some form of record, such as writing or even more in audio-visual such as in an videographed event, such that the basis could be deemed by other parties in authority for further discursive activity for the compounding of efforts by those elected to authority.

2-1. With the understanding reaching a set composing the $premise, then further information of more individuals could transpire through such as information sessions and workshops. This type of information could facilitate the rate at which the $Reactive-Diplomacy could occur at one to one and one to multiple scale at the community level.

2-2. $State-self-identity of each nation-state, country, or world, however identified or stated is determined as a private premise.  Its content may be known to various degrees by the other nation-state, country, or world, already, so the mutual understanding between the two state-level entities wills to be announced however appropriately at within the borders to each, as could aid efforts towards mutual discourse towards the mutual objectives.

2-3. The purpose of $Dialog-Diplomacy is with reply as the objective.  The position of each nation-state, country, or world, however identified or stated, concerning what is put forward, from their self-identity, with the propositions as in particular to the subject in question.  Objectives could be determined on this stage, or may have already been determined by part of those in authority, to yet reach their $respective-public.

2-4. To reach the culminating stage of $international-cooperation, the plans is in effect actualized through events, involving and selected from each stage as forementioned, over history.

3. Thus through all the content generated, and then selected for analysis and understanding, $objectives, in a similar manner, are reached for output as an outcome called $Objectives-of-the-International-Community.

3-1-1. In factual transpirance, the $International-Community is comprised of many communities which are international in nature.  These includes those in relations by bilateral dialog and action, the Gx summits and participants, the United Nations, the business community in trade at large, the scientific communities, et cetera.  In actualization of a major objective as save the earth and world peace, the $actual-community is realized through actualizing events which are oriented entirely towards such a goal and all its subsumed objectives.

3-1-2. The state of “global” has to do with the world as a planet or a celestial body in space relative to other celestial bodies.  The world as a whole is of our humanity’s make, however located entirely on the surface of the globe which is the Earth.

3-1-3. To reach towards cooperation at the global scale, the modest action to take is in engagement by the various modes of diplomacy laid out in section 2.  Therefore, the event undertaken is $actual-cooperating rather than as a constitution already formed called “cooperation”. 

3-1-4. Cooperating occurs finally when the factually and almost always different actions and events being undertaken at the various regions and locales, through the mode of convening by elected or by accomplished self selected individuals at particular events, this after those many more different actions had already occurred and culminated in ideas and principles.

3-1-5. The “planning”, which is often referred to when considering the path by which to reach such convention, is in actu, the reality of planning often reaching the state of a plan rather in retrospect.


4. $National-Defense and $News-Media, are respectively defined as $proactive-actions in patriotism of locale and country, and as the flow of information correspondent to the events discernible for the future of our people and lands.

5-1. The supposition for diplomacy, which in almost all cases is undertaken towards goals related to $co-existence and often related to $peaceful relations, is that each $state-entity is taking necessary actions and hopefully all parties filling all requirements as related to the maintenance and sustenance, this including the defense of borders, of its own entitihood.

5-2. In matters related to material sustenance, in general in those civilizations rooted in the “West”, these are subsumed or categorized under “Economy”.

5-3. In matters related to the guarding of borders such that internal affairs remain such, as affairs deemed by all others and itself, internal to the border, it is called “defense” or “national defense”.

5-4. For all realities which could be said to be related to defense, there are multiple faculties which are charged with corresponding multiple areas of affairs which rend affairs not only internal to the borders, but rend also the $general-health of the state-entity.  One of the major $faculties in many state-entities is often called “military”.  By “military” is meant the organizations which the state-entity often employs as $forces and $intelligence.

5-4-1. In short, the $forces are those in numbers and of uniformed rules and regulations and procedures which we call “strong”.  Those individuals within this faculty are able to undertake and carry out $Actions, which may be undertaken by scale that expands an effort, most advisably with moderation as discovered in the events and through time.

5-4-2. The corresponding faculty that guides and reviews the “strong” or $forces is the $intelligence.  $Intelligence is informed through cooperative analysis of many cases, both internal and external to border, such that the actions undertaken by $forces remain in order and under guidence, rather than haphazardly, such that closure of any action as well closure of all actions to be well within control at any point in time.  The ability to change and correct course at any moment in time is expected of $intelligence as well.  For much of the duration in time, $intelligence is responsible for the actions in general of $forces.

5-5. Just as international cooperating culminates over many events at many dimensions, so too $defensive-patterns are founded with not only top-down directive control, but rather upon the coordination of realities into orderly proceedings as taken as responsible by both $intelligence and $strong, with integral agreement in actions and outcomes alongwith $civil-societies we call the Polis.

5-6. Examples of what $intelligence and $forces can in theory carry out in cooperating, and had previously been observed to have carried out, are the supply net and recruitment into activity or organizations including themselves.  Communication lines can also be an example.

6. Concerning the News Media, the proposition of what its purpose is must follow the fact that the recent century did find many uses for the newspapers which was then followed by multiplication of channels and purposes.  The proposition then is put forward that news media can not only trace over the events deemed important but also assist in the task of carrying the momentum in the right direction of general events.

6-1. The media is understood as a notion that describes the varied channels on which information is broadcasted. 

6-2. The News Media should at the minimal, at times of conflict, be able to carry over information however properly formatted the following:

6-2-1. The affairs which are being undertaken in action, by locals in the local area, in close to real time as per the day following the day in which an event occurred or the month following, or in some cases where the advertisement of an event were neglected, the year or even years after;

6-2-2. The affairs which are occurring as undertaken by others perhaps at another location, as in, what is happening which could be considered in context of this here which is occurring as undertaken by the locals;

6-2-3. What could be undertaken so that the society could motion forward despite varied conflicts which may yet be affective or have already affected it, this concerning the constituting of society itself, as per the changing landscapes or circumstances in these times, or even at this very moment;

6-2-4. What is the timing of and how to reach, or for that matter, the very description of, the milestone of the state-entity and those societies as encompassable within it;

6-2-5. What is the reality as having had transpired in retrospect, in context of what had followed, now past or now present, in true context of objectives as determined earlier for the good of this society, and the world.

Through legal proceedings is reached that which is loftiest of all, the world in order by Law for the prosperity of rightful Citizens.


Considering the unknown variable circumstances soon arriving, which may yet be beyond the scope of previous forecasts, though may yet be amiable by many means, preparations are now to be made. It is wrongful to allow a country's countrymen (countrypersons) fall, were that we are unable to have wrought and forged necessary defense which are to be had should we stand strong. No previous actions should be undermined as de-escalation of differences has been on the news media for now more than five years. We must hold onto the belief that today we have made more friends amongst friends as in communities with communities whatever status of document. However, with the news of arrivals soon arriving, we must understand on what grounds we stand and upon what circumstances projections of actions are to stand. In considering the general picture, I present the following introductory notes for those interested and recruiting themselves into service of their country. The considerations are for diplomacy and world-wide cooperation towards the planet's health and the peaceful relations between nations, but notes are also provided in this event where preparations must be made in case that arrivals are of many dispositions emotionally and psychologically, rather than the very heroes we had always expected to come home.

Ann (Ati) 

August 18, 2023.

Person as Architect in a world called To Societies of Architects, a message to the locals

   The following is an excerpt from my Diary written earlier from my seat by backpack, like a make shift seat at a bus terminal or a plein a...