INTRO-NOTES 20230818(22) 22:03 MT
/General-Picture RE: Diplomacy National-Defense and News-media International-cooperating
$peaceful relations
*content to be determined for each of the above variables
1. By these times of shifting landscapes of conflicts amidst continua of peaceful cooperative efforts in maintaining societies at each locale and across regions,
$Diplomacy and $International-cooperation are at the two ends of the spectrum
bracketing National Defense and News Media.
1-1. Diplomacy has to be arranged with long term planning, with the $premise first reached through Understanding. An understanding needs to be reached from independent determinations by longstanding deliberative thoughts, such that discursive events could be said to have taken place amongst those in relation through agreement on certain principles and ideas, or even especially facts.
1-1-1. A $mutual-understanding is reached from agreement to consensus between individuals deemed fit from their previous determinations. The understanding, being mutual and being determined from multiple individuals in the seat of authority, could then be used to determine the lines of the $premise.
1-1-2. The $premise has multiple lines due to there being multiple principles and facts which could be agreed upon by persons selected or elected to authority.
1-1-3. The $premise may not merely be very tact, but rather should reach some form of record, such as writing or even more in audio-visual such as in an videographed event, such that the basis could be deemed by other parties in authority for further discursive activity for the compounding of efforts by those elected to authority.
2-1. With the understanding reaching a set composing the $premise, then further information of more individuals could transpire through such as information sessions and workshops. This type of information could facilitate the rate at which the $Reactive-Diplomacy could occur at one to one and one to multiple scale at the community level.
2-2. $State-self-identity of each nation-state, country, or world, however identified or stated is determined as a private premise. Its content may be known to various degrees by the other nation-state, country, or world, already, so the mutual understanding between the two state-level entities wills to be announced however appropriately at within the borders to each, as could aid efforts towards mutual discourse towards the mutual objectives.
2-3. The purpose of $Dialog-Diplomacy is with reply as the objective. The position of each nation-state, country, or world, however identified or stated, concerning what is put forward, from their self-identity, with the propositions as in particular to the subject in question. Objectives could be determined on this stage, or may have already been determined by part of those in authority, to yet reach their $respective-public.
2-4. To reach the culminating stage of $international-cooperation, the plans is in effect actualized through events, involving and selected from each stage as forementioned, over history.
3. Thus through all the content generated, and then selected for analysis and understanding, $objectives, in a similar manner, are reached for output as an outcome called $Objectives-of-the-International-Community.
3-1-1. In factual transpirance, the $International-Community is comprised of many communities which are international in nature. These includes those in relations by bilateral dialog and action, the Gx summits and participants, the United Nations, the business community in trade at large, the scientific communities, et cetera. In actualization of a major objective as save the earth and world peace, the $actual-community is realized through actualizing events which are oriented entirely towards such a goal and all its subsumed objectives.
3-1-2. The state of “global” has to do with the world as a planet or a celestial body in space relative to other celestial bodies. The world as a whole is of our humanity’s make, however located entirely on the surface of the globe which is the Earth.
3-1-3. To reach towards cooperation at the global scale, the modest action to take is in engagement by the various modes of diplomacy laid out in section 2. Therefore, the event undertaken is $actual-cooperating rather than as a constitution already formed called “cooperation”.
3-1-4. Cooperating occurs finally when the factually and almost always different actions and events being undertaken at the various regions and locales, through the mode of convening by elected or by accomplished self selected individuals at particular events, this after those many more different actions had already occurred and culminated in ideas and principles.
3-1-5. The “planning”, which is often referred to when considering the path by which to reach such convention, is in actu, the reality of planning often reaching the state of a plan rather in retrospect.
4. $National-Defense and $News-Media, are respectively defined as $proactive-actions in patriotism of locale and country, and as the flow of information correspondent to the events discernible for the future of our people and lands.
5-1. The supposition for diplomacy, which in almost all cases is undertaken towards goals related to $co-existence and often related to $peaceful relations, is that each $state-entity is taking necessary actions and hopefully all parties filling all requirements as related to the maintenance and sustenance, this including the defense of borders, of its own entitihood.
5-2. In matters related to material sustenance, in general in those civilizations rooted in the “West”, these are subsumed or categorized under “Economy”.
5-3. In matters related to the guarding of borders such that internal affairs remain such, as affairs deemed by all others and itself, internal to the border, it is called “defense” or “national defense”.
5-4. For all realities which could be said to be related to defense, there are multiple faculties which are charged with corresponding multiple areas of affairs which rend affairs not only internal to the borders, but rend also the $general-health of the state-entity. One of the major $faculties in many state-entities is often called “military”. By “military” is meant the organizations which the state-entity often employs as $forces and $intelligence.
5-4-1. In short, the $forces are those in numbers and of uniformed rules and regulations and procedures which we call “strong”. Those individuals within this faculty are able to undertake and carry out $Actions, which may be undertaken by scale that expands an effort, most advisably with moderation as discovered in the events and through time.
5-4-2. The corresponding faculty that guides and reviews the “strong” or $forces is the $intelligence. $Intelligence is informed through cooperative analysis of many cases, both internal and external to border, such that the actions undertaken by $forces remain in order and under guidence, rather than haphazardly, such that closure of any action as well closure of all actions to be well within control at any point in time. The ability to change and correct course at any moment in time is expected of $intelligence as well. For much of the duration in time, $intelligence is responsible for the actions in general of $forces.
5-5. Just as international cooperating culminates over many events at many dimensions, so too $defensive-patterns are founded with not only top-down directive control, but rather upon the coordination of realities into orderly proceedings as taken as responsible by both $intelligence and $strong, with integral agreement in actions and outcomes alongwith $civil-societies we call the Polis.
5-6. Examples of what $intelligence and $forces can in theory carry out in cooperating, and had previously been observed to have carried out, are the supply net and recruitment into activity or organizations including themselves. Communication lines can also be an example.
6. Concerning the News Media, the proposition of what its purpose is must follow the fact that the recent century did find many uses for the newspapers which was then followed by multiplication of channels and purposes. The proposition then is put forward that news media can not only trace over the events deemed important but also assist in the task of carrying the momentum in the right direction of general events.
6-1. The media is understood as a notion that describes the varied channels on which information is broadcasted.
6-2. The News Media should at the minimal, at times of conflict, be able to carry over information however properly formatted the following:
6-2-1. The affairs which are being undertaken in action, by locals in the local area, in close to real time as per the day following the day in which an event occurred or the month following, or in some cases where the advertisement of an event were neglected, the year or even years after;
6-2-2. The affairs which are occurring as undertaken by others perhaps at another location, as in, what is happening which could be considered in context of this here which is occurring as undertaken by the locals;
6-2-3. What could be undertaken so that the society could motion forward despite varied conflicts which may yet be affective or have already affected it, this concerning the constituting of society itself, as per the changing landscapes or circumstances in these times, or even at this very moment;
6-2-4. What is the timing of and how to reach, or for that matter, the very description of, the milestone of the state-entity and those societies as encompassable within it;
6-2-5. What is the reality as having had transpired in retrospect, in context of what had followed, now past or now present, in true context of objectives as determined earlier for the good of this society, and the world.
Through legal proceedings is reached that which is loftiest of all, the world in order by Law for the prosperity of rightful Citizens.
Considering the unknown variable circumstances soon arriving, which may yet be beyond the scope of previous forecasts, though may yet be amiable by many means, preparations are now to be made. It is wrongful to allow a country's countrymen (countrypersons) fall, were that we are unable to have wrought and forged necessary defense which are to be had should we stand strong. No previous actions should be undermined as de-escalation of differences has been on the news media for now more than five years. We must hold onto the belief that today we have made more friends amongst friends as in communities with communities whatever status of document. However, with the news of arrivals soon arriving, we must understand on what grounds we stand and upon what circumstances projections of actions are to stand. In considering the general picture, I present the following introductory notes for those interested and recruiting themselves into service of their country. The considerations are for diplomacy and world-wide cooperation towards the planet's health and the peaceful relations between nations, but notes are also provided in this event where preparations must be made in case that arrivals are of many dispositions emotionally and psychologically, rather than the very heroes we had always expected to come home.
Ann (Ati)
August 18, 2023.